Baby Benjamin

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3rd POV
Tomorrow Mal is finally due!
So she's been taking things slow.
All day she and Ben stay at his place.
Mal's water hasn't broke.
But if she doesn't go into labor during night, she does have an appointment to go in at 5am.
Anyways enjoy!
Ben's POV
It's getting a bit late.
Mal and I needed to be up and ready by 5 in the morning.
Plus Mal was super tired.
She already fell asleep on my bed.
I was on my couch watching tv.
So I decided to just go to bed.
I climbed next to Mal, gently so I wouldn't wake her.
I set my alarm at 4 in the morning.
My alarm went off.
I let Mal sleep for a little but more.
Then I quickly got ready.
I just wore some sweats, comfortable shoes, and a sweater because it was raining.
I also packed some more clothes in the small suitcase.
After I got ready, I woke up Mal.
"Hey Mal" I said softly
She immediately woke up

"Hey, it's time"
She opened her eyes.
She got up slowly.
I helped her get ready.
"You feeling okay?" I asked as she was brushing her teeth
She cleaned out her mouth.
Then she looked at me.
"I can't do it"
She had tears in her eyes.
I gently cupped her face.
"Hey, you will do just fine. I'm going to be there with you 24/7. I promise I will never leave your side. I know it's scary, but if you look on the bright side, you're going to be a mom" I said
She smiled a bit.
"I trust you"
I smiled back at her.
I checked the time.
"Oh shoot, we are going to be late" I said
So I got the suit case and Mal sat on the wheelchair.
We took the limo and we immediately went to the hospital.
I checked us in.
So they immediately took us to the back.
Mal changed into a hospital gown.
Then she laid on the hospital bed, she had an IV in her arm, and other wires.
They put us in a delivery room.
The doctor talked to us about the process.
So now we waited until her water would break.
"Don't be nervous" I said taking her hand
She looks so tired already.
My heart hurts when she's in pain.
I held her hand, I never let go.
2 hours later...
"Ow" she said holding her stomach

"You okay?"
She was in pain.
I could tell by her face.
She didn't talk to me until she didn't feel the pain.
"No" she quickly said
"I think my water broke" she added
My eyes widened.
So I immediately called the nurses.
They came in quickly.
"Okay hun, I'm going to need you to bend your legs in for me" one nurse said
Mal did just that.
"Yeah, her water broke" the nurse said to another nurses
I stood next to Mal by the bed.
I held her hand.
"I'm here. You got this" I whispered
She was still in pain.
"Ben, I can't" she quickly said

"Mal, yes you can. Trust me"
She looked into my eyes.
"Okay sweetheart, I need you to push" the nurse said
Mal pushed.
"Good. Now when I tell you to stop, stop for three seconds and take a quick breath and then push again" she added
My eyes just made sure she was doing okay.
This went on for a very long time.
Mal would scream sometimes.
She would squeeze my hand tight when she was in pain.
She's so strong.
2 hours...
Suddenly Mal pushed one more time.
Then we both heard a baby cry.
I immediately looked up.
But I couldn't see because Mal's legs were in the way.
I saw that they cleaned his mouth with a small tube.
"Okay daddy, it's time to cut the cord" the nurse said

"Oh, I'm not the-"
But Mal said:
"Ben, go ahead" she said
I nodded.
I went over.
Then I saw him.
I saw little Benjamin.
The nurse gave me some scissors.
Then I cut the cord.
They wrapped him inside a blanket.
Then they handed him to Mal.
"Oh my-" she said but she started crying
I smiled uncontrollably.
She finally got to hold him in her arms.
"Hi my baby" she said looking down at him
She kept crying
"See I told you. It's all worth it at the end" I said smiling

"Thank you for being here with me"

"Of course"

"Baby Benjamin is born July 1st 2021, at 9:36am" the nurse said
He was a small little baby.
But he is so adorable.
"Want to hold him?" she said
I was shocked.
"Um, I don't know how to hold a baby" I said

"It's easy. Basically you grab him but make sure you support his neck"
She handed me him.
So I gently grabbed him into my arms.
I made sure that I supported his little head.
Sure enough I got the hang of it.
So I sat down and held him.
I looked down at him.
His little eyes were closed.
He was so calm now.
I felt a close connection with him.
I feel like I knew him already.
I'm probably just thinking to much.
Mal decided to take a nap.
She was super exhausted.
So I held him for a long time.
Mal's POV
I finally woke up from taking a nap.
I looked at the clock and it was 6pm.
Then I looked to my side and saw Ben sitting down watching tv.
"Where's Benjamin?" I asked
Ben turned around.
"Oh hey, you're awake"

"Where is Benjamin?" I asked again

"Don't worry, the nurse took him to get him cleaned up. He should be here soon"
I let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you hungry? You haven't ate since yesterday"

"I'm starving"
He nodded.
"I will be right back"
Then he walked out.
10 minutes later...
He came back with a try of food.
I gave him a smile.
"Thank you"
Then I started to eat.
After I was done, someone knocked on the door.
So Ben went to open it.
It was the nurse. And my baby in her arms.
She handed Benjamin to Ben.
So he took him.
"You're baby did so good. He was so calm" the nurse said to Ben

"That's good to hear, but he isn't my baby. I'm just helping out my girlfriend"
The nurse just looked at him.
"You sure about-" the nurse said but then I quickly said:

"Thank you so much" I said
The nurse nodded with a smile and walked out.
Ben closed the door.
Then he handed me Benjamin.
"Hi my baby" I said
He was asleep.
And so calm.
And of course so damn adorable.
3rd POV
All day Ben, Mal and baby Benjamin relaxed inside the room.
Ben would change baby Benjamin's diapers.
He helped Mal out a lot.
They took turns holding him.
Ben also helped baby Benjamin get fed.
Meaning he was breastfeeding, so he would help him out to find where he needs to attach too.
They did this every 4 hours.
They stayed at the hospital for three days.

I can't 😭
This is so cute!
Anyways hope y'all enjoyed this chapter like I did!💯
Don't miss next chapter!
Stay tune!❤️

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