Always Here

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3rd POV
As Mal sat there waiting, it was finally time to take a look.
Well, I can't tell you, Mal has too.
So see for your self.
Mal's POV
I was so scared to flip it.
But eventually I had too.
I need to know, so if I am pregnant I won't hurt the baby.
So, I took a deep breath, and slowly flipped it.
I closed my eyes once it was facing me.
I opened my eyes.
The test said:

My eyes widened.
"Damn it, no, I can't be, this has to be a mistake. I'm too young for a baby" I said
I'm I supposed to be happy or scared.
It was so overwhelming I started crying.
I'm guessing Evie heard me, because she started knocking.
"M. Are you okay?" she asked

"You can come in"
She slowly opened the door and peaked her head in.
Then she saw me crying.
"Hey, what happened?" she said kneeling infront of me
I didn't say anything, I just gave her the test.
She look confused, then she looked at the test.
I saw as her eyes widened.
Then she looked at me.
"Hey M, it's okay. I can help you"
I gave her a small smile.
"This can't be right" I said

"What do you mean?"

"I............ I had sex with someone who doesn't even come here anymore. This is a big mistake" I said crying even more
She gave me a hug.
"Mal, I am your best friend and your sister, I promise you I will help you. I love you so much"

"Thank you E"
She smiled.
"I'm happy for you okay? I will try my best to help raise the little one" she said

"Thank you"
I wiped my tears away.
"How are you going to tell Shawn?" she asked

"I don't know. He blocked me off of everything, so I can't get a hold of him"

"Honestly screw him. He doesn't deserve to know. He is just an asshole"
I nodded.
"True" as I laughed a bit

"Also how are you gonna tell Ben? I mean he is your best friend after all"

"I'm scared. I feel like I might hurt him even more"

"Oh Mal, sometimes it's hard to tell people, but whenever you are ready, tell him. I'm pretty sure he is going to be very happy for you" she said

"Yeah you're right. I will tell him soon. Just don't tell anyone yet please"

"Of course. Whenever you are ready"
"Well, I better finish my homework" she added

She walked out.
I looked at the test one more time.
Then I smiled.
This might not be so bad after all
So I put the test inside a zip lock baggie.
You know, just for memories.
I walked out of the bathroom and crashed on my bed.
3rd POV
A few days went on.
Mal hasn't told Ben yet.
But she did tell Carlos and Jay, literally the next day.
They were so happy for her.
Mal is still a bit worried about telling Ben.
But she's gonna do it today.
Ben's POV
I was at school.
I was in my locker getting some books out into my backpack.
"Boo!" a voice said from behind
I turned around and it was Mal.
"Hey you" I said smiling
She gave me a hug.

"How are you doing?" I asked

"I'm doing okay"

"That's good. I was really worried about you a few days ago, when we were at the park" I said

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