Last Weeks

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3rd POV
Senior year is almost over.
Just a few more weeks and the whole gang will graduate.
Well except Carlos and Jane.
But as the weeks went by, all the seniors have it easy at the school.
Meaning no more homework, basically every day is a chill day.
Mal's POV
School is almost over.
Oh how the years past so fast.
Benjamin's birthday past a few weeks ago.
He is two already!
He can fully walk now and his teeth are fully grown.
He can finally walk now!
I remember that day. Ben had came home after a long day of meetings.
All of us were in the living room and suddenly Benjamin just stood up and took baby steps.
But with more practice, he eventually started to fully walk.
My little baby is growing up so fast.

But today is another day of school.
Since it's the last weeks, we don't need to bring a backpack or books.
Me and Ben woke up and got ready for school.
Everyone was in a good mood this morning.
"Goodmorning yall" Carlos said as me, Ben and Benjamin came down stairs

"Good morning" me and Ben said
Evie made some breakfast.
So we all dug in before school started.
Everyone was ready so we all left together.
It was raining a bit, so we took the limo to school.

Eventually we made it.
I'm going to have Benjamin with me for now until we graduate.
So he is not going back to daycare in the library.
Once we got to school we sat down and talked for a bit before the bell rang.
Everyone said bye and went separate ways.
"Here, let me carry him" Ben said
He took Benjamin into his arms.
Then we went to our first class.
We watched a movie for our first class.
In our second class we had a small assignment to do.
The school day went on and pretty fast.
Benjamin was being good all day today.
I'm so proud of my little man.
After school, Ben wanted to get some dinner to bring back to the house.
He was going to cook today.
So we went to the store.
When we got to the store I placed Benjamin inside the cart.
"Is there a lot of things you need to get?" I asked Ben
He looked at his list.
"Nope. I just need some, pasta, heavy cream, garlic, cheese, milk, and whatever you guys want" he said with a smile

"I don't think I need anything, but if I do then I will put it in the cart"

"Sounds good"
Then off we went to look for what he needed.
I guess I did need a few things, so I placed them inside the cart.
I also got some more snacks for Benjamin.
We were done.
So we went back home.

When we got there, everyone was there.
Jay helped Ben take the bags inside.
Jane immediately came up to me and took Benjamin with her.
"Hi there little guy" she said smiling at him
Benjamin smiled back and went into her arms.
Jane walked away.
I'm so grateful for everyone here, they help me out a lot, especially with Benjamin.
They also love him.
"You making dinner?" Evie ask as she came down stairs

"I'm not. Ben is" I said

"Did you need any help?" she asked him

"If you want. I don't mind" Ben said
Evie nodded.
Jay and Carlos were in the living room watching tv.
Lonnie was in the patio doing some homework.
Jane was also in the patio area playing with Benjamin.
Ben and Evie started to make dinner in the kitchen.
So I went upstairs to change into some pj's.
When I was done changing, I just sat on my bed.
Thinking about our Senior year almost being over.
I have so many memories at Auradon Prep.
And with Ben.
I thought about mine and Ben's future.
Suddenly I had an idea!
I got up and went to my backpack.
I just needed paper and a pen.
Once when I found the items, I left the room, went downstairs and into the patio.
I sat at Evie's desk, then I just started to write.
This note is coming from my heart.
Ben's POV
"We just need a bit of salt and the food should be done" I said to Evie as I turned off the stove

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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