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3rd POV
The school weeks past.
Ben and Mal are getting less awkward, as the days go on.
But today, let's just say it kinda changes them.
Now please enjoy the story for today.

Ben's POV
It's another day of school.
So I got up and got ready.
1 hour later...
After getting ready, I decided to head to school early.
So I walked to school, which was like a 20 minute walk from the castle.
20 minutes later...
When I got to school, it was empty.
So I went to my locker to get some books.
After that I went to get some breakfast in the cafeteria.
I sat there and ate, when I was done I threw away my food and went outside to the bench and waited for my friends.
Mal's POV
I got up and got ready for school.
Today is going to be another good day.
After thinking, I got ready quick, then I headed to school early.
At school...
When I got to school, I immediately went to the cafeteria to go get some food.
As I walked to the cafeteria, someone said my name.
I turned around and it was Ben.
I smiled and walked over to him.
"Hey, goodmorning" as I sat next to him

"Goodmorning" as he smiled

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked

"I was gonna ask you the same thing"

"Oh, well I honestly just wanted to be here early. Just to clear my mind" I said

"Then I guess we can clear our minds together"
I looked at him and smiled.
He smiled too.
Damn. That smile is cute on him.
"Hey..." we both suddenly said at the same time.
We both laughed.
"You first" he said
I nodded.
"Since we are clearing our minds, did you want to go walk around?" I asked
He smiled.
"I would love too"
So we both walked around the school before it started.
The bell rang and we went separate ways.
"See you next class" he said
I smiled and walked off to my class.
Then break started.
Since me and Ben had 2nd period together we went over to the bench, where our friends were waiting at.
We said hello and sat down.
Me and Ben talked.
Until Chad came up too us.
"Hey peeps" he said

"Sup man"
Then he handed Ben and I a card.
"Whats this?" Ben asked looking at it

"You guys are invited to the "Welcome back to school" party" he said

"We've been in school for like 2 months now, why is it so late?" I asked

"I'm going to be honest with you Mal. I have no idea"
"All I just know is that it's going to be lit, no teachers or grown ups are allowed, just us sophomores" he added
Then he just walked away.
I looked at the card.
"It's next weekend" I said

"Are you going?" he asked

"Probably, it seems fun"
"Why?" I added

"Oh, did you want to go together?"

"Benjamin, are you asking me on a date?" I asked playing around

"Hahaha. We can go as friends"
My smiled kinda faded away.
"Okay. Sure." I said
Then the bell rang.

"Anyways, I'm going to get to class"

"Okay. I will see you next class" he said
I quickly walked away and went to my class.
Ben's POV
School was over.
So I went to a table outside of the school to finish my homework.
The weather we a bit cold and a bit cloudy.
It was hot this morning and all afternoon.
Luckily I bought my sweater that I stuffed in my backpack.
I'm always prepared for this Auradon weather.
I finished all my homework.
I was packing all my things into my bag, until I heard a soft voice from the distance.
I quickly zipped up my bag and turned around towards the voice.
It was Mal, she was on the phone.
What is she still doing here? I asked myself.
When she hung up, she looked stressed.
"Mal!" I gently yelled
She looked at my direction and smiled, then she walked over.
"Hey" she said sitting down


"How come you are still here at school?" she asked

"I was just finishing up my homework, I just got done"


"Why are you here? If you mind me asking?" I asked

"Oh, I was just helping Mrs. Kelly with some stuff"
I nodded.
Suddenly she was getting cold and shivering.
So I took off my sweater.
"Here" I said placing it around her shoulders.
She stared into my eyes.
Then she started to cry.
"Hey. Are you okay" I asked rubbing her back
She sniffed and wiped her tears away.
It took her a while to respond.
Then she opened her mouth.
"Why are you so nice to me?" she asked
My eyes widened. I knew exactly what to say, but I just couldn't say it.
"Well.............that's what friends are for" I said not being happy with my answer.
She looked at my lips, I looked back at her's.
Then I leaned in slowly.
We got close, until suddenly it started to rain.
She gasp, then she look up and laughed.
"It's raining" she said laughing

"Come on, let's get under the building" I said
I helped her up and we quickly went under a building.
We both laughed as we saw how wet we were.
"Come on, I know a place where we can get some hot chocolate" I said taking her hand

"Hot chocolate?"

"Yeah. You never had hot chocolate before?"

"Nope. I don't even know what it is"
I chuckled.
"I see. Well today is the day you are going to find out" as I smiled
She smiled too.
I gave her a smile.
Then I took her into the kitchen cafeteria.
"Are we supposed to be in here" she asked

"Nope. But I'm the prince" I said

"So you use that everywhere you go?"

"Pretty much"
She laughed.
"Okay. Let's get started." I said

"So, how do we make this hot chocolate?" she asked

"Well, we need a pot, milk and the coco mix"

"Do you need help?"

"No, I got it. But you can watch"

"Sounds good"
I got out a small pot, poured milk into it.
"Now we boil the milk, and once it's hot then we pour in the coco mix" I said placing the pot on the stove

"What cups do we use?"

"Since it's hot, we are going to use mugs"
I walked over to the cabinet that was filled with mugs.
"Chose one" I said
She looked for a mug.
Then she found one.
"This one is adorable" she said taking one out

"That's a nice one"

"A nice one?" she said smiling

"I mean it's nice, it's not adorable"

"You are so mean"
I chuckled.
"I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?" I asked laughing

"Yes, yes you did"
I got closer to her.
"Yeah? And what can I do to make you forgive me?"
I stared into her beautiful eyes.
She did too.
We just smiled at each other.
"Maybe you can turn off the stove, because the milk is boiling" she suddenly said
I immediately turned around and quickly turned off the stove.
"Phew. That could have been way worse" I said

"What next?"

"Now we pour the coco mix in and then we stir"
I poured the mix in and stirred it until it was mixed well.
Now it's done.
I got the mugs and poured the hot chocolate into both mugs.
"Alright, it's done" I said
I handed her mug.
"Careful, it's really hot" I added

"Thanks" she said taking the mug
She took a sip.
"Oh wow, that's really good" she said
I smiled.
We stood there drinking our hot chocolate.
We talked for a bit.
Once when we were done, I walked her back to her dorm.
When we got to her door, she asked me a question.
"So, I have a question for you?" she asked

"Hit me"

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing" I said

"I'm going to the park tomorrow, did you want to come?"

"Of course!" I said

"Great. See you tomorrow"
She gave me a hug and she went inside.
I smiled and went back to the castle.

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Thank you for reading my new book!❤️💯
See ya next chapter!

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