Christmas Break

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3rd POV
It's almost Christmas break for the Auradon students.
They get three weeks off.
Of course Ben and Mal plan on hanging out.
Beast gave Ben all the three weeks off.
So Ben won't be going to meetings during break.
But Evie has a surprise for her friends.
Mal's POV
It's Friday.
Meaning it's the last day of school.
Well more like just a break from school.
But I'm actually happy.
I get to relax.
"Okay class, school is almost over. So you're homework for the break is too be yourself" Mr. Handsale said
Then the bell rang.
"You guys have a good christmas break" he added
One by one students left the classroom.
Me and Ben went straight to pick up Benjamin.
Ben wanted to stay with me, so we went to my dorm.
Evie wasn't there, so I figured she was with Doug.
But then she called me.
I picked it up.

Hey M, meet me here at 250 Forrest Drive
Then she just hung up.
"Hmmm that's weird" I said


"Evie just said to meet her at 250 Forrest Drive"
He raised his eye brow.
"Then off we go" he said
I put Benjamin in the stroller and off we went.
We were literally in the middle of the forrest.

"Are you sure we went the right way?" Ben asked

"Yeah. This is the address she gave me"
We both looked at each other.
We walked more further down the path, until finally we saw a big house.

 We walked more further down the path, until finally we saw a big house

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"I guess this is it" I said

"Wait, why would she send us to a house in the middle of nowhere?"

"Let's find out"
Then I walked to the door.
I didn't know who lived here.

Should I knock?
Maybe she accidentally sent us to the wrong address.

"You going to knock?" he said nervously
I gave him a look.

"Sorry" he added
I took a deep breath and then knocked.
We waited for a bit, until I heard someone unlock the door from the other side.
The door opened.
It was Evie.

"Evie?" I asked shocked
She smiled.

"Hey guys. I'm so glad you guys made it. Please come in" she said
Ben looked at me confused, I was confused as well.
We walked in and Doug, Carlos, Jay, Jane and Lonnie were there.

"Um E, what are we doing here?" I asked

"Before you ask any more questions, just hear me out"
I nodded.

"This is our new place, all of us" she said
I was still confused.

"Wait, so you bought this house?" I asked

"Yes. I did it for us. I know I didn't ask you first, but this house was cheap, so I decided to buy it"
I was shocked.
Don't get me wrong the house was actually really nice.

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