Down Hill

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3rd POV
It's been a few weeks now.
Ben and Mal haven't been talking.
Mal texted Ben that she was done with him.
But Ben didn't text back.
Trust me, he saw the message.
Ever since Ben has been hanging out with Chad, they would smoke a lot.
Ben goes to school high.
And Ben has been talking and sleeping with so many girls.
Mal just feels heart broken.
She thought that they were in this together.
But she was wrong.
Benjamin started to cry now for some reason.
It's not like him.
Anyways enjoy the story.
Ben's POV
It's friday.
My alarm went off, but I immediately stopped it.
I turned to my left and saw someone in my bed.
"What the hell" I whispered
Then she woke up.
"Hey good morning" she said smiling

"Not to be rude but who are you?"

"You don't remember me from last night?" she asked

"Uh nope"

"At Chad's place? We got high and we started to make out and we went to your place"

"Nope, doesn't ring a bell" I said
I honestly didn't know who this was,
She got out of bed, grabbed her clothes.
"I don't want to see you again" she said walking out the door
I just laughed.
I got up and got ready for school.
I headed to school and met up with Chad and my friends.
"Sup man" I said approaching them

I gave the guys a hand shake.
And the girls a hug.
"So we doing this or what?" I asked smiling

"Hell yeah we are" Chad said
He brought out a few blunts.
Then we walked to the back of the school and smoked.
Then school started.
I went to art class.
When I got there I sat down next to Jessica.
"Hey" I said

I was so high I felt like I was floating.
Mal walked in with Benjamin in her arms.
I miss them so much.
Then class started.
"Goodmorning class" Mrs. Shell said

"Morning" the class said

"Today we are going to watch a video, I have grades to put in"
She played the video.
Then she turned off the lights.
I laid my head down, closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes and saw Jessica.
"What happened?"

"Class is over"
I sat up.
"Was I asleep for the whole class?" I asked

I stood up from my seat.
"Thanks for waking me up"

"Of course"
I said bye and went to my next class.
The day went on smoothly.
After school I smoked some more.
Then I went home.
Thank goodness my mom and dad weren't home.
I tried to do some homework but I couldn't focus.
So I ate something and just fell asleep.
Mal's POV
These past few weeks, I haven't been feeling myself.
But I'm trying to be strong for Benjamin.
I've seen that Ben fell into the wrong hands.
I can tell that he is hurt.
But he hurt me more.
Ben never acts like this.
I guess this becoming King thing made him stressed a lot.
He's supposed to turn King next year before Junior year ends.
I know he goes through a lot, but he doesn't need to take it out on me.
After getting ready, I put Benjamin inside his stroller and headed to the daycare center.
When I got there, I gave him a big kiss on the cheek and said bye.
Then I went to school
I went to my locker.
Ben was already at school.
We made eye contact, but I immediately looked away.
Then I went to meet Evie and the boys inside.
We talked, but then the bell rang.
When I got in class I sat down and took out my pencil and notebook.
Eventually everyone came in, including Ben.
It's a Monday so we are going to have quite a bit of work for this class.
"Happy Monday class" Mrs. Shell said
The class groaned.
We all hate Monday's trust me.
"Today we are going to have an assignment that will be due at the end of class"
"I'm going to pass out a piece of paper, and on that paper you guys are going to draw one thing that hurt you, then you and your partner are going to show and talk about it to each other" she added
No one sat next to me ever since the school year started.
Then I realized that Jessica was gone.
Ben sat by himself too.
Damn. She better not put us together.
She passed out the paper.
She looked at the class and saw no one sitting next to me.
I looked away.
Please don't sit next to me.
"Ben, please sit next to Mal" she said
Hell no!
I heard him sigh.
Then he got up and sat next to me.
I didn't look or talk to him.
I just drew and I knew exactly what to draw.
After drawing I decided to color it.
Ben didn't draw nothing.
Looks like he isn't getting a grade.
"Okay class go ahead and saw your partner and talk about it" Mrs. Shell said
Ben looked at me.
"You gonna show me?" he asked
I didn't want to talk to him, so I slid my paper to him.
He looked at it.
"It's a crown?" he asked

"No shit"

"Wow, she speaks"

"You know what, fuck you" I whispered

"Woah woah, relax girl"
I ignored him for the rest of the class.
Then the bell rang.
"Please put the papers in the tray before you guys leave" Mrs.Shell said
I got up and put mine in the tray and went to my next class.
School went on normally.
Evie went with me to go get Benjamin.
After picking him up I went back to my room.
I did some homework for a few hours.
Evie fed Benjamin and put him to sleep after that.
I eventually got tried and went to bed.

Yeah I know short chapter.
But thanks for the support, you guys are super quite😂 meaning like y'all hardly comment, which is okay, but sometimes I would love to hear your thoughts.
Anyways stay tune for next chapter.
Also some of you guys might not know, but about a month ago, my Ben and Mal Smut book got deleted :(
That was my first book I wrote when I got the app.
I'm super sad and upset, I'm not sure what happened to it, I never touched that book once I finished it.
So I'm not sure if anyone kept reporting it, but guys come on, it's just a book.
It's not real.
But yeah it's gone now, and I'm not getting it back :(
All my hard work is gone.

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