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3rd POV
It's been a few days now since everyone moved in together in the new house.
So far everyone loves it.
As you can see it's now Christmas break, so almost all of them are sleeping in.
Especially Ben because he's been waking up early and going to bed late everyday.
But today is going to be an awesome day.
Mal's POV
I woke up out of know where.
It was already morning.
So I checked the time on my phone and it was 8:30.
I was fully awake.
So I got up and went to the bathroom that we have in our room.
After doing my business, I got dressed for the day.
Then I went over to Benjamin's crib, gently picked him.
"Hi my baby, goodmorning" I said smiling at him
He slowly opened his eyes and scratched them.
Ben was still sleeping, so I opened the door walked out and closed it.
Then I went downstairs.
When I got to the kitchen, I saw that Evie was already awake.
"You're up early" she said when she saw me

"Yeah, I just woke and couldn't go back to sleep"
I then went to the cabinet to get Benjamin's powdered milk
"Ben is still asleep?" she asked

"Yeah. I let him sleep in for once, since he is always busy"
She nodded.
Then I made Benjamin's bottle.
Evie started to make some breakfast.
"What are you making?" I asked

"Some pancakes, eggs, bacon, french toast"

"Sounds delicious. Did you need help?" I asked

"If you want, will Benjamin be okay?"

"Yeah of course he will. When I'm done feeding him I can put him inside the baby walker and put some cartoons on"

 When I'm done feeding him I can put him inside the baby walker and put some cartoons on"

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"Okay" she said smiling
Then I went to the couch and started to feed Benjamin.
When he was done I burped him.
After that I then placed him inside the walker.
Changed the channel to some cartoons.
He immediately started to watch it.
Then I started to help Evie out.
"I can't believe everyone is still asleep" Evie said as she made the bacon

"I mean we deserve it, we all had a tough year"
We were both quite.
It was a bit awkward.
For some reason I felt like she was going to say something about Ben.
"So, have you told Ben yet?" she asked
There it is.
I knew what she was talking about.
But I wanted to act dumb.
"About what?"

"M, you know"
I stopped what I was doing.
"Listen E, I'm just not ready yet"

"Mal, it's been a few years now, I think he needs to know"
I just nodded.
"How about this, I can when Senior year is over, I promise" I said

We both smiled.
Then we hugged.
We continued to make breakfast.
As the minutes past, one by one everyone started to wake up.
First it was Jane and Carlos.
Jane immediately went to Benjamin and started to play with him.
Carlos went to the patio to start his Christmas break homework a bit early.
Then a few minutes after that Doug woke up.
He went outside in the front to fix up the garden, because Evie wants to grow some fresh vegetables and fruits.
A little bit after that Jay and Lonnie woke up.
Jay went to the front to help Doug out.
Lonnie went with Jane and Benjamin to play.
15 minutes later...
Breakfast was done.
So everyone went to the kitchen and started to eat.
It was already 10am.
I guess Ben was still asleep, so I didn't bother him.
Ben's POV
I woke up from the room being cold.
I saw it was morning time already.
So I checked the time and it was 10.
"I guess I slept in" I told myself
I wanted to cuddle Mal for a bit, so I turned around but I saw she was gone.
Her and Benjamin.
I sat up, stretched my arms and legs.
Then I used the bathroom in our room.

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