Snow Day

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3rd POV
It's been a few days since Christmas break started.
It's been getting colder now in Auradon.
So every night and day they have the heater on.
But today is a different day.
Mal's POV
My alarm went off.
Immediately I turned it off.
Ben woke up.
"Mal it's cold" he said in his raspy voice

"I know baby, the heater was on all night, it's still on"

"It's so cold"
Then I cuddled him from behind.
"That feels better" he said chuckling a bit
We both laid in bed for a bit.
We both got up and put some warm clothes on.
Benjamin was still asleep but I made sure he had a few blankets on him, because it was cold in the house.
It was 8:00.
Everyone was still sleeping.
"You want some hot chocolate?" he asked as we walked down the stairs.

"Sure. I will make some bacon and eggs"
When we got to the kitchen that's what we did.
"No way, look babe it's snowing" he said
I hurried down the last set of  stairs and sure enough there was snow.
"Oh my, that's crazy"
He smiled.
"I'm definitely going to play in the snow"

"You are so cute when you are excited" I said
He stared out the window.
"It's snow! I love snow"
I giggled.
"We can go in later, let's eat first" I said
He nodded.
Then we started to make the stuff.
When the hot chocolate and the food was done we both ate and talked at the table.
"You feeling okay?" he asked randomly
I looked at him.
"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Just asking. We never talk about how our day is going. I love talking to you."

"I'm doing okay, thanks for asking" I said with a smile

"Of course. Just remember you can talk to me about anything, I promise I will keep it safe with me"
I gave him a warm smile.
"What about you? Are you doing okay?" I asked

"Everyday is a challenge, but I'm getting through it"
I was about to say something but then Benjamin woke up, because the baby monitor went off, and plus I saw Benjamin get up.
"I got him" Ben said getting up
Then he went upstairs.
I saw on the monitor that Ben took him out of the crib.
"Goodmorning buddy" Ben to told him
Ben changed his diaper.
"Come on, let's go see your mom" he said
Then he walked away from the camera.
He came down stairs with Benjamin in his arms.
"Hi my baby" I said to him
Benjamin smiled at me.
Ben gave him to me.
I gave him a kiss on his forehead.
"You hungry?" I asked him
I placed him on my lap, then I gave him some eggs, he has a few teeth, just not all of them yet.
"He loves it" Ben said

"Yeah he does"
Benjamin ate all the eggs on my plate.
The eggs weren't enough so I was also going to give him his bottle.
"Let's go get your bottle" I told Benjamin

"Wait, I will get it" Ben quickly said
Then he got up.
"Thank you"
Ben made his bottle, then he gave it to me.
Then I started to feed him.
After feeding Benjamin, we all went to the living room and watched some tv.
Little by little everyone started to wake up.
Everyone saw the snow outside, they were also excited.
"What! It's snowing in Auradon?" Carlos said

"That's exactly what I said" I told him

"I'm totally getting in that" Jay said
Eventually everyone else ate.
As they were eating me, Benjamin and Ben decided to go get ready for the snow.
I made sure Benjamin was wearing warm clothes and a big jacket and some gloves.
After that I got ready.
"How do I look?" Ben said as he walked out of the bathroom
I turned to look at him.
He was wearing so much stuff.
I laughed.
"You look......good" I said still laughing

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