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A/N: Yes i'm posting this chapter a few hours early, because i'm going to be busy later and i won't have time to post, so i'm posting now, and i'm also going to San Francisco today!
Anyways enjoy!

3rd POV
Summer started for the Auradon students.
Mal and Ben are back together again.
And Ben is so in love with Mal, he literally tell her everyday that he loves her.
Mal loves it.
She also tells him.
Mal's POV
It's the first day of summer.
Carlos and Jay wanted to hang out later at their place.
They invited, me, Evie, Benjamin, Jane, Lonnie, Doug and Ben.
Nothing special, we just wanted to see each other for making it past Junior year.
It's time to leave.
Ben packed all of Benjamin's things into his diaper bag.
"Ready?" Ben asked

Ben wanted to hold Benjamin all the way to Jay's and Carlos's room.
But I still took the stroller just in case.
We made it to their room.
Ben knocked.
Then Jay opened it.
"You guys made it" he said

"Of course we would make it" I said smiling
Ben gave him a hand shake.
I gave him a hug.
He let us in.
"Please make yourself at home" Jay said
There was food, drinks, board games and video games.

"Please make yourself at home" Jay saidThere was food, drinks, board games and video games

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A little bit after everyone showed up.
Evie, Doug and everyone else came.
Carlos and Doug played video games.
Chad and Audrey showed up, but Jay told him not to bring any drugs or alcohol.
So Chad kept his word.
Jane and Lonnie were sitting on the couch playing board games, Chad and Audrey were also playing with them.
Ben was with Benjamin playing with him.
While me and Evie were by table munching on some food.
Suddenly Evie saw Ben playing with Benjamin.
"Are you going to tell him?" she suddenly asked
I looked at her.
"What do you mean?"
She was about to say something, but Benjamin started laughing.
Evie turned her attention to them, I did too.
Ben was smiling so much.
He was helping Benjamin try to walk.
"There we go buddy" Ben said to him
I couldn't help but just smile.
"He loves that kid" Evie said

"Yeah. He does" as I kept smiling
Ben looked at me.
"Mal, look come here" as he moved his hand to tell me to come over
So I did.
"Watch, stand over there" as he pointed
I stood about 5 feet away from them.
"Look" he continued
Then he slowly let go Benjamin's hands.
I was about to grab him so he wouldn't fall.
"Wait" Ben quickly said
Benjamin was about to fall but he caught himself.
I took a deep breath.
"Just watch" Ben said
Benjamin stood there, he didn't know what to do, so then I had an idea.
"Come here my baby" I said putting out my arms
He smiled.
He was looking down at the floor and then looking at me.
"Come to mommy" I added
Ben made sure he didn't fall.
Then suddenly Benjamin moved his right leg forward.
He almost stumbled, but he caught himself again.
Then he moved his left leg and sure enough he didn't fall.
"There we go baby. Come here" I said
Ben was behind him.
Then he started to walk.
I immediately smiled, and with some tears in my eyes.
Thankfully Evie was recording and taking pictures of it.
"Come on baby" I kept saying to him
He kept doing it.
Eventually everyone was looking at him.
"Let's go Benjamin" Carlos said
He was half way to me.
But then he fall on his butt.
Ben picked him up.
"You did so good buddy" he told him
I went up to Ben and Benjamin.
"I'm so proud of you my baby"
I gave Benjamin a big kiss on his cheek.
"I love you" I told Benjamin
Benjamin was tired out after him walking.
So he slept in Ben's arms.
We were all sitting down on the couch watching a movie.
Everyone had a cuddle buddy.
When Benjamin fell asleep Ben placed him in the stroller with a blanket on him.
Don't worry we was next to us.
Me and Ben laid close together.
Ben is such a cuddle buddy.
He loves cuddling me.
He was gently rub my arms, he would give me small kisses on top of head, he would whisper random things to me.
But it was adorable when he does it.
The movie we were watching was long.
So I passed out on Ben.
He was still awake.
So was everyone else.
I guess the movie was over.
When I opened my eyes, I saw that the lights were off.
But then I realized that everyone was knocked out.
So was Ben.
I guess everyone is spending the night.
So I made myself comfortable again.
But I guess I woke up Ben.
"Ouch" he said in his raspy voice

"I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?"

"Your elbow digged into my stomach"

"I'm sorry"

"That's okay"
Benjamin was also knocked out.
"Are you comfortable?" he asked

"Not really. I was trying to move up more"
Ben helped me get closer to him.
"Better?" he asked

"Much better"
In the dark I found his lips and gave him the sweetest kiss.
"You are so sexy" he whispered into my ear
I giggled softly.
But it was actually hot that he told me that.
"Okay mister turn on, let's go back to sleep" I said
He laughed.
Then we went back to sleep.
Eventually one by one everyone started to wake up.
Benjamin was awake, Ben fed him in his high chair.

Benjamin was awake, Ben fed him in his high chair

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We stayed at Evie's for a while.
Eventually I went to Ben's house and stayed with him for a few days.

Yeah short boring chapter.
But hope y'all are loving it!
Please vote!!!❤️
See y'all next chapter.

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