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3rd POV
A few days past now.
Ben is back home in Auradon.
Trust me Ben is happy that he is back.
But he was still busy everyday after school.
But Ben is going to take a few days off.
Mal doesn't know about that, so he is going to surprise her, by obviously hanging out with her and Benjamin.
Mal's POV
School ended for the day.
I was on my way to the daycare center to pick up Benjamin.
"Hey you"
They wrapped their arms arms me.
I turned to the side and it was Ben.
I immediately smiled.
"Hey. Don't you have a meeting to go to?" I asked

"Nope. I have a few days off and I'm going to hang out with you guys"

"That's great!"
He smiled, then he gave me the softest kiss.
"Okay no more. I'm going to lose myself with you" I said pulling away
He laughed.
"I'm okay with that"

"Ben stop it" I said laughing
We both laughed it off.
Eventually we left to get Benjamin.
After picking him up, we went to Ben's room.
I was going to stay the night for a few days.
Ben played with Benjamin.
I was making Benjamin's bottle.
Then I made my way over to them.
"Benjamin it's time to eat baby" I said
Ben picked him up and handed me him.
I sat on the bed and gave him his bottle.
"Little man is hungry" Ben said
Ben watched Benjamin drink his bottle.
But he looked at him with love.
I thought about a lot of things in that moment.
I just don't know what to do now.
I'm I making a mistake?
Will Ben be mad?
Non-sense, he won't, I know Ben.
I was thinking about things.
"You okay?" he asked
I snapped out of it and looked at him.
"Yeah. I'm okay"

"You sure?"

"Yes Ben. I'm okay" I said putting my hand on his cheek
He nodded.
Benjamin was done eating, Ben wanted to burp him, so I gave him to Ben while I washed out his bottle.
Benjamin soon fell asleep after.
Ben gently placed him in the crib and put a blanket on him.
Then he laid in bed next to me.
"You hungry?" he asked


"Okay. I will deliver us some food. What do you want?"

"Some Chinese food would sound good" I said
He smiled.
"Chinese food it is"
Then he ordered it on his phone.
We laid there watching tv.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
Ben got up and took his wallet.
He opened the door and it was the food.
Ben took some money out and handed it to the guy.
"Thanks man. Keep the change" Ben said
Ben always gives people a big tip.
I mean he does get payed every single Friday and trust me, it's a lot.
Ben doesn't know what to do with his money.
So he helps a lot of people with it, he spoils me and Benjamin.

"You're welcome, thank you, you have a nice night" the guys said
Then Ben closed the door.
He went back to the bed and we both ate.
We talked a bit.
Few hours later...
It started to get late.
It's a Friday night, Ben would usually stay up late on Friday's, but he is so tired from all those meetings.
So he knocked out before I did.
I turned off the tv and laid next to Ben.
Eventually I closed my eyes.
Ben's POV
I woke up from a deep sleep.
I heard noises in my room.
So me being half asleep still, I turned on my lamp that was on my nightstand.
Then I saw Mal sitting up, shes crying.
"Hey" I gently said
She immediately wiped her tears away.
"Sorry if I woke you" she said

"No, it's okay. Whats wrong?"
I took the blankets off of me, then I sat behind her, with my legs around her legs.
Then I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"You okay?" I asked
She didn't respond.
I kissed her gently on her shoulder.
She still didn't say one word.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked
She then nodded her head no.
"Okay. If you want to talk just know I will always be here for you" I added
We just sat there, not saying anything.
I made sure she felt comfortable around me, so I kept massaging her back slowly and gently.
I gave her some kisses on the back of her neck.
Suddenly she leaned back against me.
She felt relaxed, which is a good sign.
"I love you" she said

"I love you too"
Once again she just leaned against me.
Then she said:
"I want to lay down"

Then I moved and she laid down.
I turned off my lamp and laid next to her.
I didn't want to say anything else, so I laid there with her.
"Can I ask you something?" she asked

"Yeah, of course"
She was hesitant for a while.
"What would you do, if you want to tell someone something so bad, but what if they just end up being mad at you?" she asked
The question got me off track.
It was a good question.
"You and Evie having some kind of fight?" I asked

"I guess you can say that"

"Okay. Well if I was in that position, I don't think I would get mad. You know, this stuff is important to talk to someone about. Because it will help them become closer with each other, I guess it will make them stronger if they would talk about whats going on"
Once again she didn't say anything.
"You know, what ever you and Evie are going through, just know it will be better for you both. You guys love each other" I added

"Thank you"

Then I guess she fell asleep.
I did too.
Few days later...
It's Monday.
Another school day.
Mal was still with me, but tomorrow I go back to my meetings.
Me and Mal both got up and got ready.
Then I got Benjamin fed and dressed.
Sooner or later we were ready to go to school.
We dropped Benjamin off at the day care center.
Then me and Mal went to our lockers.
I got some text books out and put them in my backpack.
"Hey I gotta go talk to one of my teachers real quick, I will be back before the bell rings" I said

"Oh okay. I will wait inside on the couches"

I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Then I left.
Mal's POV
I sat on the couches inside.
It's too cold outside, and it's raining hard.
I took my phone out to keep myself occupied before Ben gets back.
"Hey Mal"
I looked up and it was someone that I never want to see.
It was Shawn.
I rolled my eyes and looked back at my phone.
"Uh, look, just hear me out. I know you hate me. But I just want to say I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. Mal..........I really like you" he said
My eyes widened.
"Every single day, I think about you. I can't help myself" he added
I didn't say anything, I just ignored him.
Even though it was impossible because he was literally right there next to me.
I just sat there looking at my phone.
"Look Mal-" he said but then stopped.

"Hey babe"
I looked up and it was Ben.
Then he leaned in and kissed me.
We kissed for so long.
He placed his fingers under my chin.
I guess he wanted Shawn to just leave.
After the kiss, Ben looked at me, it honestly turned me on.
That damn sexy smile he gives me, it gave me butterflies in my stomach.
But it was all interrupted, because Shawn opened his mouth.
"I guess I will just go"
Then Ben looked at him.
"Oh, I didn't see you there man" Ben said
Shawn just nodded and left.
"You okay?" Ben asked laughing

"I'm actually more then okay. I'm just glad you came"
He smiled at me.
"You're doing it again" I added

"Doing what?"

"Ben you know. That sexy smile you give me"
He chuckled.
"Let me guess, it turns you on?" he asked
Then the bell rang.
"Come on, let's go to class" I said getting up
He laughed and took my hand.
"Also, are we calling each other "babe" now?" I asked playing around

"Actually I would love to start calling you that now"

"That sounds kinda cute"

"Cute?" he asked

"You know what I mean"
Then we made it to our class.
We sat down and school started for the day.
Eventually school was over for the day.
Ben had a meeting after school, so he left.
I went to go get Benjamin.
Then I just went back to my dorm.
Did some homework and played with Benjamin for a bit.
This little guy makes me stronger everyday.

See you guys next chapter :)
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