Perfect Day?

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3rd POV
Ever since Ben punched Shawn, Ben's dad kicked Shawn out of Auradon Prep.
So he no longer goes there.
Ben defended Mal, so Ben does not get in trouble.
As the weeks went on, Ben and Mal are still hanging out on the weekends
Little by little they are still opening up to each other.
Just little things, like, the funny stuff Ben did when he was growing up.
You know just small talk.
Anyways enjoy this chapter.
Mal's POV
Today me and Ben are hanging out again today.
We are starting to hang out more and I love it.
Ben is so sweet, funny and so damn sexy.
Man, that boy is something else.
Anyways me and Ben are heading back to our tree.
I was already ready, Ben was coming to pick me up.
*knock knock*
I immediately smiled and got up to open the door.
"Hey beautiful" he said smiling

Suddenly from behind his back he pulled out a dozen of white roses.
I gasp.
"These are so beautiful" I said taking them
He smiled uncontrollably.
"Thank you so much" I added

"You are very welcome"
I quickly laid them on my bed and walked out locking my door.
"Ready?" he asked

Then we walked to our tree.
The walk felt so long, my feet were killing me.
I needed to stop for a quick break.
"Hey you okay?" he asked
I sat down on the fresh grass.
"Yeah.........yeah I'm okay" I said catching my breath
He kneeled down next to me.
"Whats wrong?" he asked worried

"Sorry, my feet are killing me and I can barely breathe"

"Okay. Did you want me to carry you?"

"Ben, you don't have too" I said

"But I want too" as he smiled
It's always that damn smile.
"Well if you want too you can" I said
He nodded.
Then he picked me up and he started walking to the tree.
We finally made it.
So he placed me down gently.
I groaned in pain.
"Ben, can you please take off my shoes?" I asked

"Of course"
Without hesitation he gently took off my shoes.
"Mal?" he said


"I don't know how to say this"

"Say what?" I asked worried

"Mal, your feet are swollen"
I looked at my feet and sure enough they were.
"That's so weird" I said

"It looks like it hurts"

"They do"

"Did you want me to massage them?" he asked

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I don't mind"
I gave him a warm smile.
Then I nodded yes.
He gently placed his soft hands on my left foot and started to massage it.
"Tell me if I'm hurting you" he said

I laid on my back under the shade of the tree and stared into the sky.
Ben massaged both of my feet.
After that he laid next to me and watched the sky as well.
We sat there, not saying anything.
Then he pulled out some snacks from his small backpack that he was carrying.
"What some?" he asked

I looked inside his bag and found some chips and a water bottle.
"Hey, maybe after this I can teach you how to skip rocks" he said

"Skip rocks?" I asked confused

"Yeah. It's where you throw a rock a current way and it skips on top of the water"

"Hmmm that's weird, but okay sounds good to me"
Ben's POV
After eating we both stood up.
Mal's feet were better now, but she still kept her shoes off.
Then we walked down to the lake.
When he got there we put our feet in.
"The water is warm" she said

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