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3rd POV
Mal is 6 months pregnant.
Her belly is so big now.
Eventually Mal told a few more people or people would just find out themselves.
Lots of students congratulated her.
She was happy that the school made her feel like she belonged.
And Ben's parents found out too, that she was pregnant and the school did too.
So basically everyone knows already.
Also Ben made it on the tourney team! So he is part of the sports program.
Every month Ben takes Mal to the doctors for her check up.
But today is a special day, Mal will be finding out the gender of her baby.
She's nervous, but she's gonna love that baby to death.
Mal's POV
Today is a very special day for me.
Ben was supposed to take me to my ultrasound appointment but he had meetings to go to.
So Evie and the boys are taking me.
"Okay you ready?" Evie asked

I sat on my wheelchair and Jay pushed me.
We walked to the place, which wasn't that far.
When we got there I signed in and we waited for a bit to be called into a room.
"Is Mal here?" a lady said walking towards the waiting area

"Yeah. I'm here"

"Okay, follow me to the back"
So we immediately followed her.
Well Jay pushed me into the dark room.
A/N: I couldn't find one with the lights off. So just imagine that that the lights are off in this picture!

 So just imagine that that the lights are off in this picture!

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"Hello Mal. I'm Kelly. Nice to meet you" she said
I shook her hand.
"Hello Kelly. Nice to meet you too"

"Alright, let's get started. So I need you to lay on the bed"
Jay helped me up from the wheelchair.
Then I slowly climbed onto the bed and laid on my back.
"Man, that took all my breath away" I said breathing a bit hard

"Don't worry I get a lot of women who have the same problem" she said
I laid there for a bit, slowly catching my breath.
"Whenever you are ready, we can start" Kelly said
I nodded.
It took a few minutes, but eventually I felt better.
"You good?" Jay asked

"Yeah. I'm good" I said

"Okay. So now I'm going to pull up your shirt. And I'm going to place some type of white jelly on your stomach. It's going to be cold at first" Kelly said
I nodded.
Then she pulled my shirt up, showing my big belly.
She placed some gel on my stomach.
I flinched, because it was cold.
But I got use to it.
"Now if you look on that tv other there, you can see your baby" Kelly said pointing.
So I looked at the screen.
She was trying to find the baby.
Then suddenly I saw a small face popped up.
I immediately felt my heart skip a beat.
I wish Ben was here to see this.
"Is that my baby?" I asked

"Yes" Kelly said smiling
She took a few photos.
I started to cry.
But it felt weird, because I literally have a human inside me.
But I smiled uncontrollably.
That's my baby.
"Do you think if we could find out the gender?" Evie asked

"Of course!" Kelly said
I was so nervous, but also happy.
Kelly took a while to look closely at my baby.
In fact, it took her a few minutes.
Then she found out.
Ben's POV
I'm finally done with all my meetings with my mom and dad.
I checked my phone and saw that Mal texted me.
So I opened it.
Hey, I went to my appointment. I wish you were there :( But I do have some exciting news! I don't know what time you get out. But come to my dorm when you are done. Anyways see ya.
So I went straight to her dorm.
When I got there I knocked.
Evie answered.
"Hi Evie" I said

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