First Practice

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Mal's POV
Ben has his first tourney practice today after school and I'm going to support him, because that's what couples do.
I got ready for school.
Evie already left, because her and Doug are working on a project together and today was the last day that it's due and they wanted to make sure they had everything.
After getting ready I texted Ben that I'm on my way to the school.
Then I headed out.
When I got there, I went to my locker.
I put some books away and then put some other books inside my backpack.
Then I locked my locker.
I picked up my backpack but it was so heavy for me.
And since I'm pregnant it took all the air out of me.
I took slow breaths.
Once I got my breathing control suitable, I went to pick up my backpack again.
"Hey, let me help you"
I looked up and thank god it was Ben.
He quickly picked up my bag.
"I need to sit" I said
He helped me find a chair.
"Here" he said
I sat down and held my stomach.
"Thank you"

"Of course. Are you okay?" he asked

"Yeah. I'm okay. My backpack was too heavy"

"I'm glad that I showed up on time. Thankfully nothing bad happened to you"

"Thanks again" I said
We sat there for a bit.
"Hey, I'm going to get some food, did you want some? I can bring it too you" he said standing up

"Yes please"
He nodded and then he walked off to the cafeteria.
When he got back, he gave me my tray.
"Thank you" I said

"Of course"
We both ate.
"Are you excited for tryouts?" I asked placing a piece of food in my mouth

"I'm a bit nervous, but yes I'm also excited"

"That's good. I will be there to support you"
He smiled.
"That makes me feel a lot better" he said
I gave him a cute smile.
We finished eating, then the bell rang.
Ben walked me to my class.
3rd POV
The day went on being a normal and boring school day.
Now that school ended, tryouts started.
Ben's POV
After school I went to the men's locker room to change into my tryout clothes.
Once when I was done with that, I headed to the field.
Jay and Carlos were there too.
And Chad.
"Sup guys" I said to them

"Hey, sup man" Jay said

"Hey dude" Carlos said

"I didn't know you guys liked sports" I said

"Well we wanted to try something new" Jay said
I nodded.
Then I looked on the bleachers and saw Mal and Evie.
I waved hi and she waved hi back.
She looks so beautiful.
Then the couch blew the whistle.
"Alright. Good afternoon. Today we are gonna do some simple warm ups and then play a practice game" couch said
So we did what we were told.
After the warm ups, we picked teams and we started to play a game.
We got into position and couch blew the whistle.
The other team had the ball.
When they got closer to me, I got hit hard and fell.
But the game kept going on.
I landed pretty hard on my back, but I immediately got up.
They were about to score, but I came out of know where and got the ball.
I started running the opposite way.
My team followed.
"Ben I'm open!" Carlos yelled
I threw it to Carlos and he got it and started running.
I blocked a few guys to help him.
"Carlos!" Jay yelled
Then he passed it to Jay.
We got closer to the goal.
Then Jay popped it in.
"Nice one Jay!" I said
Throughout the game we communicated and helped each other out.
Practice was over.
After the game couch brought us in a circle.
"Good work out there boys. I will have the list out tomorrow outside the boys locker room" couch said
I went over to Mal and gave her a big sweaty hug.
"You did so good" she said

"Thank you"
She gave me water and I drank some.
Then Carlos and Jay came up to us.
Mal hugged them as well.
"I love you guys" she said hugging them

"Love you too sis" Jay said
Mal looked at me and then back at the boys.
"Hey. So there is something I want to tell you guys" Mal said to them

"Okay" they both said
Mal looked at me and then she smiled.
"Me and Ben are dating" she said
I saw Carlos's eyes widened.
Jay came up to me with a terrifying face.
Then he smiled.
"Take care of her" he said
I nervously smiled back.
"I promise"
He gave me a hand shake.
Then Carlos said:
"So happy for you guys"

"Thank you" I said
After practice I dropped off Mal back at her dorm.
Then I headed back to my room and took a shower.
After the shower I did some homework.
I had a lot so I didn't finished until late.
I was finally done.
So I threw all my stuff into my backpack
brushed my teeth and laid in bed.
I picked up my phone and texted Mal.
Mal's POV
I turned off my tv and was about to fall asleep.
Then my phone buzzed.
I picked it up and Ben texted me.
I opened the message.

Hey, I'm going to bed now.
Thank you for your support today at practice, it meant a lot to me :)
I hope you see this message, because I know how quickly tired you get, no hard feelings.
I laughed at that part.
Then I continued reading:
Anyways I will see you tomorrow beautiful.
Sweet dreams <3
I smiled and texted back:
I saw the message don't worry :)
And you are so welcome.
You are always here for me, and I wanted to be there for you.
Anyways I'm tired so I will see you tomorrow.
Goodnight Benjamin <3
I hit sent and then I fell asleep.

Basic chapter.
But next chapter I'm going to do some time skipping.
Anyways I hope you liked this chapter.
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