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3rd POV
A few months past.
And Ben, well he hasn't been himself lately.
He still does drugs with Chad and his friends.
Ben parties every day after school.
And yes he still sleeps with random girls.
Baby Benjamin is now 10 months old!
He still isn't walking yet.
Mal is helping him but he keeps falling.
He isn't talking yet either.
But he does understand a few words when Mal talks to him.
He would nod his head and point.
And Mal is so happy.
She's been a single mom after her and Ben broke up.
She's just so proud of herself.
She wants to give Benjamin the world, because she never did growing up.
Mal's POV
It's Friday.
Thank goodness!
I got up for school and got ready.
When I was done I woke up Benjamin and got him dressed and fed him.
Evie walked with me to the daycare center in the library.
"See you later my sweet baby" I said giving Benjamin a big kiss on his forehead
He waved bye.
My heart melted.
"Ready?" Evie asked

Then we went to get some breakfast before class started.
The bell rang.
So I said bye to Evie and walked to my art class.
I walked down the noisy hall that was filled with students.
When I approached the class room door, I saw Ben making out with a girl.
I rolled my eyes and walked inside the class and sat down.
One by one students started to fill the seats.
Eventually Ben walked in and sat in his seat.
Class started.
"Happy Friday class" Mrs.Shell said
The class groaned because it was too early.
"Today will be a easy day. We are just going to watch a movie" she added

"Yes!" half the class said
She turned on the projector.
"Oh and before we start."
Then she looked at Ben.
"Jessica has left Auradon prep, so she is no longer with us, so Ben on Monday your new seat is next to Mal" she added
You have got to be kidding me!!!
"Okay" Ben said
Mrs. Shell nodded.
Then she turned off the lights and played the movie.
This is the worst day of my life!
I just miss my Benjamin.
A few minutes later I got up and went to Mrs. Shell.
"Excuse me Mrs.Shell?" I said


"Is it okay if I can pick up my baby and bring him here?" I asked hoping she would say yes

"Of course" she said smiling
I smiled back and nodded.
"Thank you. Don't worry he is a quite little one" I said

"That's okay. I would love to meet him"

"Trust me you would love him"
She laughed.
"I will go get him" I said leaving her desk.
I passed by Ben and walked out the door.
I made it to the library.
I signed Benjamin out for the day.
"Hi my baby" I said picking him up

"He missed you" the lady said
I smiled and looked at Benjamin.
"Aww you missed me?" I asked Benjamin
He immediately nodded and hugged me.
I said thank you and walked back to my class.
I got to the door.
I quietly opened it.
When I walked in all the students looked at me.
They immediately said "Awwww"
Benjamin hid his face because he was shy.
I went to Mrs. Shell.
"This is him" I told her

"You are so adorable"

"Say hi baby" I told Benjamin
He waved hi and then placed his head on my shoulder.
"He is such a cutie" she said

"Thank you" as I smiled
Then I went to my seat.
Benjamin sat on my lap.
He was watching the movie.
About half way through class.
I saw that Benjamin started pointing at Ben.
Oh no.
Ben waved at him.
Benjamin smiled at him.
"Hey look baby" I told Benjamin
I pointed at the projector.
Then he went back to watching the movie.
3rd POV
The day went on fine.
Mal had Benjamin with her all day at school.
He did really good.
School ended for the day.
Mal, Benjamin and Evie decided to go downtown for the night.
But as for Ben, he was at Chad's place.
Chad through parties almost every single day.
And it's a Friday night so basically almost the whole school was there.
Ben's POV
"Yo Chad! Pass me another one!" I yelled over the loud music
Chad had a party in his room.
It was big, so there was room for about 100 people.
There was a dj playing some good music.
People were dancing, drinking and getting high.
I was sitting down on a chair in front of a small table that had an ash tray and some lighters.
Other people were smoking with me.
Chad gave me another blunt.
I was already on my 3 one.
And I was already feeling it.
I lit the blunt up and immediately started to inhale it.
I took a big hit and coughed.
"Damn" I said still coughing

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