Last Day

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A/N: Hey guys before you start reading I wanted to tell you something.
So yesterday we got some EXCITING NEWS FROM DISNEY!!!
But you have to see at the end of this chapter, I will post screenshots, so read them!!!
This news is so AWESOME!
Anyways enjoy the chapter :)

3rd POV
Today is the last day of Junior Year.
This school year went by so fast!
Benjamin turned one not so long ago.
Ben, Mal, Jay and Evie turned 17 already.
But today is a calm day, well......Ben does have something planned.
Mal's POV
Today is the last day of Junior year.
Man this year went by so fast.
Today should be an easy day at school.
I'm pretty sure we are going to watch movies and eat junk in every class.
I'm taking Baby Benjamin with me to school all day.
Evie's alarm went off and we both woke up.
"Good morning M" she said yawning

"Good morning"
Then I looked at Benjamin, he was in his crib.
"Good morning my baby" I said
He smiled with his pacifier in his mouth.
I quickly got dressed.
Then I fed Benjamin, burped him and changed his pj's into regular clothes.
After that Evie was done getting ready so she watched him while I did my hair and brushed my teeth.
After getting ready, we headed to the school.
When we got to school me and Evie went to our lockers.
"Hey you"
I turned around and it was Ben.
He had a big smiled on his face.
"Hey" as I smiled back
Then he looked at Benjamin.
"Hi buddy"
Benjamin wanted Ben to hold him, so I gave him to Ben.
"Hi cutie" Ben told him
I got some stuff out of my locker.
Then I placed them inside my backpack.
Evie went off with Doug
Thankfully me and Ben have our first class together.
"So, what are you doing for lunch?" he asked

"Just the usual, being with my friends and you"

"Great. I have a huge surprise for you"
I smiled.
"Can't wait" I said
Then the bell rang.
Me and Ben went to art class.
And like I said of course we are watching movies and eating junk
Break time...
It was time for break.
Me and my friends met under a table with an embarulla on top.
We all talked.
Ben was sitting next to me, with Benjamin on his laps.
Everyone else was having their own conversation.
"Mal? Can I talk to you?" he asked

"Of course"
He nodded.
But then I saw someone that I knew.
Ben realized that I was looking at him.
So he followed my eyes to see what I was looking at.
"Whats he doing here?" Ben asked

"I don't know"
It was Shawn.
He was about to walk inside the school, but then he saw me.
He made his way to me.
"I can tell him to go" Ben said
But it was already too late.
"Hey Mal" he said
I was in shock.
I thought I was never going to see him again.
Ben saw how uncomfortable I was.
"Hey man look, we don't want no problems here" Ben said gently

"Nah man, I'm just here to pick up some things that I left behind before I left. Just wanted to say hi"
Ben just nodded.
But then he saw Benjamin.
"And who is this little guy?" he asked touching his hand
Ben looked at me.
I didn't know what to tell him.
"This is Benjamin, your son" I suddenly said
Jay, Carlos, Jane, Lonnie and Doug widened their eyes.
They knew that Shawn is the father but they were in shock that I told him.
Shawn looked at me.
"What?" he asked
He couldn't believe it.
"Are you sure?" he asked
I nodded yes.
His face had no expression.
He just looked at Benjamin.
Then he said:
"Can I talk to you?" he said
I got up and we went a few steps away from the table.
"Are you sure that's my son?" he asked

"Yes. You don't remember, after the party?"

"No, I mean yes I remember the party, but I don't remember us having sex"

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