Big Mistake

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A/N: So this chapter has a scene that is 18+, but if you wish proceed, I warned you.
So enjoy, I guess😂
I just think when I write nasty scenes, I feel uncomfortable😂
But it is what it is.

3rd POV
It's a few more days before the "Welcome back to school" party that chad is throwing.
Of course Ben and Mal are still going.
But Mal's new guy friend is also coming.
That won't end well.
But what they don't know is that, it's going to change them.
Anyways enjoy the story.
Ben's POV
Another boring day.
I said to myself when my alarm went off for school.
So I slowly got up and got dressed.
I made my way to the school.
When I got there Mal and her friends were already there.
As I walked up to the bench, Shawn suddenly showed up.
My smile immediately went away.
I hate this guy.
When he got there he said hi to Mal and gave her a big hug.
He wants to play games huh.
When I got to the table, I immediately said hi.
"Hey" she said
I gave her a hug, then I gently picked her up and spun around once and placed her back on her feet.
She was smiling.
"What was that for?" she asked

"Just to show you how much I appreciate you"
She smiled
"Awww that's so sweet"
I looked at Shawn and he was pissed.
I just gave him a quick smile and sat next to Mal.
Then the bell rang.
Sadly Mal and Shawn have their first class together.
So I just walked off to my first class of the day.
It's second period now.
And I finally have Mal for that class.
I got there first and sat down.
I patiently waited for Mal, but she didn't show up.
Then class started.
The seat was empty.
"Goodmorning class-" Mr. G said but was cut off by a knock at the door
He went to open it and it was Mal.
She's never late.
"You're late" he told her

"I know, I'm sorry"
Then Mal sat down next to me.
Mr. G went back on with the lesson.
"You're never late" I whispered

"Sorry, Shawn was showing me something" she said getting out her notebook
I let it go.
That asshole.
The day went on.
And of course Shawn kept hanging out with us.
It's now the last class of the day.
Thank god me and Mal have that class together.
We both sat down and talked for a bit before the last bell rang.
"Hey, are you still going to Chads party?" I asked


"Okay cool. Are we still going together?"

"About that, I also invited Shawn"

"Oh. No worries" I said

"I'm sorry. I didn't think Shawn would be so nice to me"

"Hey, I'm also nice to you"

"Of course you are. You are my best friend" she said smiling
Eventually class started.
The day ended, so I went back home and did my homework.
Chad's party...
Later tonight is Chad's party.
I had a nice tuxedo that I'm wearing.
And I'm picking up Mal later.
Tonight will be a night to remember.
I texted Mal to make sure that I'm still picking her up.
She said yes.
The party starts in 30 minutes.
So I left my room and went to Auradon Prep to get Mal.
When I got to her door, I knocked.
"Coming" as voice said
They opened the door and it was Mal.
She was wearing a purple short dress.
"Wow, you look beautiful" I said
She blushed.
"You always tell me that"

"Because it's true"

"Oh stop it" she said
I chuckled.
"Where is Evie?" I asked

"Oh, Doug already picked her up like an hour ago"

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