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3rd POV
Weeks past and Mal is going back to school.
She's been out for a very long time.
Their sophomore year is almost over.
They have about three more months.
Mal was sad that she didn't get to spend it at school.
But she's finally going back.
And shes taking baby Benjamin with her to her classes.
Shes afraid that he is going to cry during class.
So let's see how he does.
Mal's POV
I'm going back to school today!
I'm actually excited.
I couldn't find anyone to watch Benjamin while I'm at school.
So Ben asked the school if it was okay if I could bring Benjamin with me during class.
And of course they said yes.
I got up and got ready.
Benjamin was still asleep.

After getting ready, I woke up Benjamin, fed him, changed his diaper and put some cute clothes on him.
That Evie made him.

Evie also was ready

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Evie also was ready.
I placed him in the stroller.
Buckled him up and then we left to school.

We got to the school.
Luckily Ben was already there.
"Hey" he said coming up to me

"Hey" as I smiled

"I'm so glad that you are finally here"

"Me too" I said
Then he looked at baby Benjamin.
He was awake.
"Hi buddy" he said tickling his cheek
Then baby Benjamin smiled at him.
"Awwww you love me don't you" Ben added smiling at him
I smiled.
It's so adorable how Ben already had a connection with baby Benjamin.
Then the bell rang.
"Let me walk you guys" he said
I said bye to Evie and Ben walked me to my first class.
"See you next class" he said hugging me

Then he looked at baby Benjamin.
"Bye buddy, I will see you later"
Then we walked away.
I took a deep breath and walked in.
"Oh my god, he is here" a random girl said
Then everyone came around me.
"Can we see him?" a girl asked
I smiled.
"Of course"
The girls saw him and they immediately said:
Or some of them said:
"He is so adorable!"
I smiled uncontrollably.
The students love him already.
Then class started.
My first class ended.
And baby Benjamin did so good.
He was awake but he didn't fuss, he was actually quite, and he was just laying there playing with his toy.
Next was History.
And I Ben for that class.
When I got there Ben was already there.
I walked through the doors with the stroller, he immediately got up and helped me.
"Hey you" he said smiling
He took the stroller and went by our seats.
Ben placed the stroller next to his desk.
"Is it okay if I can carry him?" he asked

"Yeah of course"
He immediately smiled and gently got him out.
"Hi there buddy" he said
He laid baby Benjamin in his arms.
"How did he do in your first class?" he asked

"He did very good. He didn't cry, he didn't fuss, and thankfully he didn't poop. He was laying down playing with his toy"

"That's good" he said
Class started.
All we did was watch a movie.
Ben didn't let go of baby Benjamin.
Which is okay.
Baby Benjamin was yet again super quite.
Ben made him smile some more.
When class ended we went to break.
Baby Benjamin fell asleep during my 3rd class.
He was also asleep during my 4th class.
Next was lunch.
My teacher let me out 10 minutes before lunch started, so I can go get some food and feed Benjamin.
So I walked to the cafeteria.
I texted Ben that I was already at the table.
He immediately texted me back saying that he was on his way.
Finally Ben showed up.
"Hey you" he said
I smiled.
He gave me a hug.
"Is he still asleep?" he asked

"Yeah. But I'm going to wake him up in a bit so I can feed him"

"I can feed him"

"You sure? I want you to have some time for you too eat as well" I said

"It's okay, I don't mind at all"
He smiled.
So I nodded.
I took out his bottle and gave it to Ben.
He took it.
"Hey buddy" he said gently getting him out of the stroller
Baby Benjamin fussed a little.
Ben's POV
I took Benjamin out of the stroller.
He slowly opened his eyes and started to get a bit fussy.
But he immediately saw me, and he stopped.
Then I sat down and placed the bottle in his mouth.
"Wow, he really likes you" she said

"That's good. So in the future he won't think that I'm a stranger"

"True. He is going to love you"
I immediately smiled.
"I won't let him down"
The day went on smoothly.
I had tourney practice.
Mal went back to her dorm after school.
After practice I went to go check up on Mal and Benjamin.
They were doing good.
I dropped some food off for Mal.
Then I went back to my room.
I took a shower and did some homework.
I was laying down on my bed with the lights off watching tv.
My phone buzzed.
I picked it up and it was Mal.

Hey I don't know if you're awake.
But I wanted to ask you if you could watch Benjamin tomorrow after school?
Me and Evie are going to help Doug out with some project.
If that's okay with you
I immediately smiled and texted back:
Yes of course I will watch him.
Just let me know what time you want me to go pick him up.
Goodnight <3
She texted back:
Great! Thank you so much. I will talk to you more about it tomorrow at school!
Goodnight Ben <3
I smiled.
I plugged in my phone.
Turned off my tv, went under the covers and went to bed for the night.

Mal is back at school!
I might do some time skipping next chapter.
I'm not sure yet.
But stay tune for next chapter!
Thank you for the support you guys are giving me! ❤️💯
Stay safe, see ya!

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