Always Sister's

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3rd POV
These past few weeks have been going really good for Mal.
She finally got the love of her life back.
But on the other hand, Ben has been going to a lot of meetings now.
So her and Ben hardly hang out.
But Mal is so strong about it.
When Ben is at meetings she never calls or texts him, because he is busy.
She waits until Ben does it.
Mal's POV
Today is a Saturday morning.
Ben is in a meeting.
So I'm here at my dorm with Benjamin and Evie.
Benjamin sat on my bed with me, while I did some homework.
Evie was designing some clothes.
Suddenly my phone buzzed.
So I looked at it and it was a message from Ben:
Hey beautiful, so sorry that I didn't text you earlier this morning. I woke up late and I immediately got ready and left for my meeting. This meeting is sooooooo long. I wish I was with you :( miss you so much <3 but the good news is I'm free for lunch! I get an hour lunch. So I will stop by your room with some food for you guys. Well I have to get back. I love you so much ;)
I smiled.
So I texted him back:
I wish you were here too :( but yes of course, come over. Me, Benjamin and Evie will be here. And I love you too, please be safe <3
I hit sent.
But I didn't get a response back.
So I figured he was already back in the meeting.
I sighed pretty loud and put my phone down.
"You okay?" Evie asked

"Oh yeah. I'm okay"
"Ben is coming over for lunch" I added

"Oh that's great"
I smiled at her.
Then I continued with my homework.
"Hey M? Can I ask you something?" she suddenly said

"Of course"
I put my pencil down and looked at her.
She was a bit hesitant.
", when are you going to tell him?"
I was confused.
"Huh? Tell who?" I asked

"When are you going to tell Ben, about you know what"
I thought about it for a second.
Then I realized.
"I'm not sure" I added

"M. It's about to be two years"

"Evie yes I know. I just need more time"
She just nodded.
"You haven't told anyone yet right?" I continued

"No of course not. I am the only one who knows"

"Okay. Thanks. Just wait until I'm ready"
She nodded once again.
"I also have another question" she said

"Whats up?"

"Why haven't you told him yet?"
I was quite and just thinking.
"Well...." I said but cleared my throat
"I have a few reasons. But I rather not say just yet" I continued
She nodded.
"Whenever you are ready to talk about it, you can always come to me. Because we are always going to be sisters" she said smiling
I gave her a warm smile.
Then I got up and hugged her.
"I love you E"

"I love you too"
I went back on my bed and continued to finish my homework.
Few hours later...
I took a small nap after I finished my homework.
But I eventually woke up from my phone buzzing.
I picked it up and it was a message from Ben.
Hey I'm here :)
So I got up and went to my door.
Evie took a nap and Benjamin was asleep in his crib.
So I opened the door gently.
"Hey" I said whispering and smiling

"Why are you whispering?" he asked whispering as well

"Evie and Benjamin are asleep"

He walked in and I closed the door.
"I got Evie some food" he said continuing to whisper.
I took her plate and placed it on top of the table.
"She can eat it later" I said
He smiled.
He sat on my bed and I did too.
"So what did you bring me?"

"Well, I got you a turkey sandwich with some chips, and of course your favorite, chocolate covered strawberries and some water"

He handed me my plate and we both ate and talked, well more like whispering.
"How is the meeting going?" I asked taking a bite out of my sandwich

"It's going good. Snow White came and she wanted to talk about girl products being free now. So female has to pay for them"

"Good for her. What did you guys come up with?" I asked

"I immediately agreed with her, so did my parents, actually almost everyone. But expect for some people from council. But since I'm King I'm definitely going to change that"

"And that's why I love you" as I gave him a kiss

"Man, you are something else. You love torturing me with how sexy you are"
He looked at my lips.
He wanted more.
But I couldn't because Evie and Benjamin were in the room.
"Well, as much as I want to, but it's better when no one is around" I said

"Yeah you're right" he said chuckling
We continued to eat and talk.
Eventually Ben had to leave.
The day went by super quick.
Ben wanted to stay with me tonight.
So when his meeting was done he came back to my room.
We were both squished but I loved it because we were so close together.
We fell asleep peacefully.
3rd POV
A few weeks past.
And Ben has been going to a lot of meetings lately.
Well mainly after school.
He never has a meeting during school hours.
But as soon as that bell rings, he immediately goes to the castle.
Mal would always hang out with him during school.
She knows that he gets super busy.
But she knew that it would have to happen eventually.
Ben tried his best to be in contact with Mal.
Mal's POV
"Bye" Ben said giving me a kiss on the cheek

Then he left back to his castle for another meeting.
Since school was over for the day, I went to my locker real quick to get some books.
Benjamin was still at daycare.
But I'm picking him up after this.
I opened my locker and got some books.
"Hey Mal"
I turned around and it was Shawn.
"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"Relax. I'm just here to talk"
I slammed my locker and looked at him.
"We have nothing to talk about"
Then I walked away.
"Is he really mine?" he quickly asked
I stopped.
Then I turned back around.

"Is Benjamin really my son?"
I just looked at him.
"Yes. But you are never ever going to see him. After what you did to me"

"Mal, look I'm just sorry. But I really want to spend time with him" he said
I couldn't tell if he was lying or not.
"You serious?" I asked confused
Then he nodded yes.
I thought about it.
"I will think about it"
Then I walked away to get Benjamin.
I was in my room finishing up homework.
Benjamin was with Evie on her bed, they were playing.
Eventually it was getting late.
Ben didn't text me, but it's okay he is busy.
I guess I will have to see him tomorrow at school, like always.
I just miss him so much.

I was done with my homework for today, so I placed the papers inside my backpack, zipped it up and immediately changed into some pj's.
Benjamin was already asleep and in the crib.
Evie was still awake.
I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, then I headed to bed.
"Goodnight E" I said getting under the blankets

"Goodnight M. See you in the morning"
And with that I fell asleep.

Hope y'all are loving my chapters!
Thanks for the support.
Please vote.
Also I've been thinking about something for the last few weeks.
So I was going to make a new book after this one, but honestly I don't think I'm getting enough views to even make a new one :(
So I'm honestly going to stop for while after this book finishes.
Just so I can catch up on some views and not rush anything.
I think I might post my new book next year, so all this year I can write out the plot and take my time on it and little by little I can start posting new chapters for my new book.
But you guys are going to have to wait until next year for it to come out.
Sorry but I hope you understand :)
Thanks for the support.

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