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3rd POV
A few weeks past already.
It's still winter in Auradon, and there has be lots of rain.
All the snow melted already.
Now thunder, lighting and rain, sometimes hail too, are falling out of the sky.
But none of it is serious, well until today.
Ben's POV
My alarm went off.
I slowly opened my eyes.
Then I groaned and turned off my alarm.
It's a Friday.
Mal was still sleeping.
So I got up and used the bathroom.
After doing my business, I went to wake up Mal.
"Mal" I whispered
She didn't wake up.
I got close to her ear.
"Baby, it's time to wake up"
She moved a bit.
"Huh" she mumbled

"It's time to wake up"
She nodded.
"I will feed Benjamin" I said

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went over to Benjamin's crib.
He was still sleeping.
But it was time for him to eat.
I gently picked him up.
"Hi buddy"
He opened his eyes, but immediately squinted when the morning light came through the window.
"Hi cutie" I added
He got use to the light now and he opened his eyes all the way.
I took him downstairs to make his bottle.
His teeth are coming in now, he has small ones.
When I got downstairs to the kitchen I saw it was raining.
"More rain" I told myself
Benjamin looked at me and then he pointed outside.
"I know buddy, it's scary" I told him
I continued to make his bottle.
After that I fed him.
When he was done I quickly burped him.
Suddenly Jay came downstairs.
"Morning dude" he said

He went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.
"Why are you up early?" he asked
Was that even a question I needed to answer?
It's a school day.
I didn't know if he was playing around or if he was serious.
"Uh, it's a school day" I said
He stood there with his eyes wide open.
"You didn't hear?" he asked

"Hear what?"
I was so confused.
"Your parents sent out a email to all students, saying school is cancelled for today, because of the rain and this bad weather"

"I didn't know that. Well my phone is upstairs. When did they send it?"

"Like about 5 minutes ago" he said
I nodded.
"Makes sense. Man school is cancelled due to bad weather" I said making sure it was correct

"I know man. I had plans with Lonnie tonight, we were gonna go on a date. But not anymore"
He walked back upstairs.
Man, no school today.
I guess I will go back upstairs.

When I got upstairs, Mal was still sleeping.
So I let her sleep.
I put Benjamin in his play pin.
He had toys, so he started to play.
I turned on the tv, but I made sure it was low.
Hours later...
It was 9:30.
And yes it was still raining, thunder and lightning.
Mal suddenly woke up.
"What time is it?" she asked

"Hey you're awake, it's 9:30"

"Oh okay.........WAIT WHAT!?"
She sat up.
"Ben! School started already, why didn't you wake me?" she said

"Baby relax, school got cancelled, because of the rain and thunder"
I laughed at how cute she is.
She sighed in relief.
She laid back down.
"That's crazy" she said

"That's what I thought too"

"Where's Benjamin?"

"He is in his play pin right here. I already fed him"
She looked over and saw him.
"Aw look at my baby" she said smiling

"I can bring him up here on the bed"

I got up and picked him up.
"Come on buddy, your mom wants to see you" I told him
Then I placed him on the bed.
He went over to Mal and hugged her.
"My beautiful baby" she said to him
I laid back on the bed.
Mal's POV
Benjamin gave me a tight hug.
I love this little guy.
"Hey so, since we are locked inside for today, I heard that Jay was going to take Lonnie out for a date, so I wanted to see if all of use could have date night here at the house" he said

"That is a great idea. I'm in"
He smiled.
"Okay. I will tell everyone when they wake up. But I'm pretty sure Evie, Jay, Doug and Lonnie are awake already" he said

"Let's change and go downstairs"
He nodded and we did just that.
We went downstairs.
All day we were locked inside.
It would rain off and on again as well.
Everything outside was flooded.
Thunderstorms kept happening, our power was still
It sucked.
But to make the night better me and Ben wanted to make some dinner.
So we made some pasta, egg rolls, some rice and corn.
We told everyone to to sit down at the table.
But they didn't know what for.
Benjamin was asleep on the couch, I made sure he had a few blankets on him because it was still cold.
"Whats all this for?" Carlos asked

"Well, since we are all stuck inside, Ben came up with the idea for all of us to have a date night" I said

"Ohhh very nice I love it" Jay said
Me and Ben fixed up their plates and handed it to them.
We all sat down and enjoyed.
Everyone was stuffed.
We all wanted to relax now, so we decided that we wanted to watch a movie.
And that's actually what we did.
It was getting now, so me and Ben went to our room.
Ben picked u Benjamin and we went upstairs.
Ben put Benjamin inside his crib.
We both said goodnight to him.
Then me and Ben laid down.
He cuddled behind me.
"You comfortable?" he whispered

"Yeah. Just cold"
We only had one big blanket, but it wasn't enough to make us warm.
"I know baby, I am too. The only way for us to be warm is sleeping close to each other" he said

"I'm okay with that, or......"

"Or what?" he asked

"I know another way to be warm" I said

"Oh yeah, and what's that?"
I turned around to face him.
Then I whispered in his ear.
Then he looked at me.
"You sure?" he asked

"Hell yes"
We both smiled.
Lets just say we felt super warm after ;)
"Man, haven't done that in so long" he said laying down on his back

"Tell me about it" I said laughing

"The last time was after my last tourney game"
I nodded.
"Well at least we are both warm now" I said

We talked for a bit more.
Then he decided to sleep.

Hey guys so sorry for a very late post :(
These past few weeks have been all over the place for me, I wasn't feeling myself.
But I know this is a boring chapter and if there are any errors so sorry about that I didn't go back to fix anything.
But I hope you guys are loving it!
This book is almost over :(
Anyways today is christmas eve!
See ya next chapter!

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