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Next morning...

Mal's POV
It's saturday, and today I'm going to hang out with Ben.
Ever since school started we haven't been hanging out as much.
We do, but just during school, and that's on week days, we never hang out during the weekend, because sometimes he gets busy, he goes to a few meetings, or he helps his dad with stuff.
He goes through a lot, and he is only 17.
So I'm glad that we are hanging out today, so he to can get stuff off his mind.
When I woke up, I dressed into some black ripped jeans with a purple crop top, and some converse.

When I woke up, I dressed into some black ripped jeans with a purple crop top, and some converse

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Evie was still asleep.
I didn't want to wake her up so I had to be quite.
After changing, I brushed my teeth.
Then I texted Ben.

"Hey are you still coming?" I texted
He immediately responded.
"I'm actually here already"
I smiled and got up and opened the door.
"Hey" he said
I walked out and closed the door.
"Sorry Evie is still asleep" I said locking it

"That's okay"
"You look very beautiful" he added
I blushed.
"Thank you"
He smiled.
Then he land out his hand.
"Shall we?" he asked
I laughed and took his soft hand.
"We shall"
We then walked to the Auradon park.
We made it.
"So, what do you want to do?" he asked

"I honestly just want to sit under a beautiful tree and just watch the nature"

"That is a good idea"
"I know a perfect spot" he added
Once again we walked more into the park.
Ben found a beautiful tree.
"This is beautiful" I said admiring it

"Not as beautiful as you" he said
I giggled.
"You are something else"
He laughed.
"You know, no one knows about this tree. You are the first girl that I showed this too"

"You never showed Audrey?" I asked

"Nope, not even her"
I stood there in silence.
"How about we sit" I said

We both sat down under the big beautiful tree.
In front of us, there was a small lake.

I soaked in all the beautiful parts of the park

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I soaked in all the beautiful parts of the park.
It's so beautiful.
Ben's POV
We both sat there, watching the birds, the bugs, the grass move as the wind gently blew.
The lake was quite but you could still here the water hit the shore.
Me and Mal were both quite.
She was also admiring the view.
But it felt awkward, so I said something.
"Um, Mal?" I said

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