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3rd POV
As you tell, Ben has been super busy.
In fact, this weekend him, his dad and mom are going out of town for a meeting, it's up in the mountains, so he won't have any service.
Ben he made some plans to take Mal on a date before he leaves.
Ben's POV
I got ready for the night.
I'm taking Mal on a date.
I can tell she's pretty sad about me being busy all the time.
But I try my best to comfort her in the best ways as possible.
So I'm taking her on a date.
After getting ready I went to go get her.
I took my moped.
When I made it outside of the dorms.
I parked and made my way to Mal's room.
Then I knocked gently.
She told me that Benjamin was asleep.
Evie is going to watch Benjamin.
Then she opened the door.
I immediately saw how beautiful she is.
I looked at her up and down.
"You are so beautiful" I said smiling
She blushed.
"Ben, I'm only wearing sweats and a sweater" she said laughing

"But you still look beautiful"

"You are too cute" she said
We said bye to Evie.
Then off we went.
I was taking her to see a movie, and after that go eat.
We made it to the movies.
"Hi two tickets for Free Guy" I said to the lady
She gave us the tickets.
Then we walked inside.
"You want any snacks?" I asked Mal

"Probably just a soda and some popcorn"

We went to the line to order but it was a bit long.
So we stood in line.
I hugged her from behind.
She loved when I do that.
Especially when I rested my chin on her shoulder.
"I'm going to miss you" I said into her ear

"It's only for the weekend" she said

"I know I know. But I hate the fact that I won't have service, I won't be able to call or text you"
The line moved a bit.
So we walked forward.
"I know Ben"
She turned her head to the side, she saw I was giving her a pouty face.
"How about this-" she said but then whispered in my ear.
"When you get back, me and Benjamin can stay at your place for the whole week" she continued
My eyes widened, but then I smiled.
"That actually makes me feel a lot better" I said laughing
She laughed as well.
Once again the line moved.
We were almost next
So we stood there talking.
"What the hell is he doing here?"
She looked to her right.
I did too and saw Shawn.
"You're okay. He won't do anything."

"Ben, he's been talking to me recently and I don't like it"

"What does he tell you?" I asked
She was quite.
"Just dumb stuff"

"You will be fine. I'm here, if he does anything I won't let it happen"

"Man, I love you so much" she said
I smiled.
"I love you too"
She gave me the best kiss.
It was short, but she immediately looked into my eyes after that.
Damn. Those eyes are so damn sexy.
Man, I would skip the movie just to have some good sex in the bathroom.
Then we were next in line.
I ordered and payed
Then we headed to our seats.
The movie was over.
So then I took Mal out to get some late dinner.
We went to The Waffle House that was right next to the movie theater.
I ordered us some food, and then we sat down and waited.
"Are you doing okay?" I randomly asked her
She took my hands.
"Yeah. I'm getting there"

"At least you're being honest with me"
She smiled.
"Don't worry about me, I'm doing fine" she said

"Mal. I'm always worried about you. I want to make sure you are doing okay"

"Ben, I love you. But I'm actually doing okay. Benjamin helps me through my hard days"
Then I smiled.
"That's good. That kid is something else" I said smiling

"You know whenever he see's you in a picture he would point at you and smile"

"Really?" I asked not knowing


"What do you tell him?"

"Well, I tell him that you're my boyfriend" she said
I nodded.
Then our food came out.
So we ate and talked.
After eating I went back to Mal's room.
Of course I stayed with Mal.
I'm leaving in a few days and I want to spend it with the people that I love.
When we got there we changed and immediately just went to bed.
Few days later...
It's Saturday morning.
I'm leaving for a few days.
I already said bye to Mal and Benjamin.
Me and my parents headed to the limo.
The drive was about 6 hours.
So I'm definitely taking a nap.
6 hours later...
We finally made it.
I got out of the limo and I immediately stretched.
"Man, that was a long ride" I said

"Yeah. Tell me about it" my dad said
I got my suitcase from the trunk.
Then we headed to our hotel.
Thank goodness I have my own room.
The time zone was different, here it's 12 in the afternoon, in Auradon it's already 3pm.
So I knew Mal was awake.
I immediately called her once I got settled in.
She answered on the fourth ring.
"Hey" she said

"Hey beautiful"

"You there already?"

"Yup. I just got into my hotel room" I said looking out the window

"That's good. When is your next meeting?"

"In a few hours. I'm not sure what it is about" I said

"You will do great, I can promise you that"
Even though she couldn't see me, I still smiled.
"I love your support"
She laughed.
"I told you, I will always support you" she said

"Man, I just love you so much"
She giggled.
"I love you too Ben"

"You have any plans tonight?" I asked

"Well, I'm about to finish some homework and after that Evie is going to take me and Benjamin to go get some food"

"Sounds fun. I hope you have a good time"

Suddenly someone knocked on my door.
"Hold on Mal" I said
I walked over and looked through the hole.
It was my dad.
So I opened it.
"Hey son, so to bother you. But we are having lunch in 10 minutes"

"Okay I will be down in a bit. I'm talking to Mal"

"Tell her I said hi" he said

"Okay dad I will"
Then he walked away.
"Sorry it was my dad. He says hi by the way" I said back into the phone

"That's okay. Tell him I said hi"

"I will. But I have to go, going to eat lunch, I will definitely call you after my meeting" I said

"Okay sounds good. Have fun and remember you got this. I love you"

"Thank you. I love you too"
Then I hung up and headed downstairs.
After lunch we had the meeting.
2 hours later...
The meeting was over.
And it was about 3pm.
When I got to my room, I changed into pj's, brushed my teeth and laid in bed.
I took out my phone so I could I call Mal, but she didn't answer.
I'm guessing she fell asleep already.
So I decided to text her:
Hey your probably asleep already.
But I want you to know that I'm back inside my hotel room.
Then meeting went great by the way :)
Anyways I hope I can talk to you tomorrow.
I love you so much <3
I looked at the message one last time.
Then I hit sent.
It was late in Auradon.
So I turned on the tv and watched a few movies.
It got late so I just went to bed.

Small chapter.
I hope you guys are loving it!
Please vote!!!
See ya

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