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3rd POV
It's almost baby Benjamin's birthday!
He is going to be one!
Junior year is also almost over.
Next year they will be Seniors.
Benjamin hasn't started walking yet.
But he loves to crawl everywhere.
Ben has been helping Benjamin stand up and walk.
It's a bit of process, but Mal knows that he will start walking soon.
A week from today is Benjamin's birthday.
Mal told her friends that she didn't want to throw a big party.
So it's just going to be friends and family.
Mal wants the party to be at the park.
Ben being Ben, Ben payed for everything.
He wants Benjamin to have something that Mal didn't have growing up.
And it's Mal's first baby's, and she want everything to be perfect.
Mal's POV
School ended for the day.
Ben walked me to the library to get Benjamin.
After that Ben walked me to my room.
"Good luck!" I said as he was walking down the hall
He turned around and said:
"Thank you"
I watched as he left back to his castle.
Ben started practicing for coronation
He has practice everyday for two hours after school.
Ben is still stressed about being King at a young age.
But me and him are friends now, so I think it's better if we just stay as friends.
He is still figuring about about life and how things work.
Ben is so young for distractions right now.
He needs to focus on himself.
After thinking, I did some homework.
Benjamin was awake.
Evie was holding him while I did some homework.
"You are so adorable" Evie told Benjamin
"Did you want me to feed him and change him?" she asked

"You sure?"

"Yes of course"
I smiled and nodded.
Evie fed him and changed him.
I was done with homework.
Evie put Benjamin to sleep, he was in the crib.
Evie was still awake.
I put my homework in my backpack.
I then changed into pj's.
"Goodnight E" I said going under my blankets.
She was quite.
"Mal? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Well, first of all you always brush your teeth before you go to bed, no matter what" she said
Damn she was right.
"M, you don't have to lie. I won't tell anyone and you know that" she said

"It's just-..........."
Then I just started to cry.
"I'm sorry" I said crying into my hands
She came to my bed and sat down.
"Hey, it's okay"
She gave me a hug.
"If you don't want to talk about it, then it's okay"
I thought about it.
I can't leave this secret with me for the rest of my life.
I have to at least tell Evie.
"No" as I wiped off my tears.
"I have to tell you" I added
She sat up straight.

"I haven't told anyone about this. You are the only person that knows, and you are the last" I said
Her eyes widened a bit.
She knew it was serious.
Then I started to tell her.
Few days later...

Ben's POV
It's almost Benjamin's birthday.
I love that little dude too much.
I got him so many gifts.
Mal is going to hate me because she has no room for them.
But other than this past month I'be been going to practice for my coronation.
Towards the end of Junior year, I will be King.
I'm actually nervous.
This is going to be a long journey.
But at least I'm going be around people that support me.
Few days later...
It's Benjamin's birthday today!
Mal texted me saying that she was already at the park decorating a bit.
So I woke up and put something nice on.
After getting ready I headed over to the Auradon park.
When I got there, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Jane, Doug, Lonnie, my parents and Baby Benjamin were there.
Carlos and Jay were hanging up a banner that said
"Happy 1st Birthday"
As I got closer Benjamin started pouting at me.
My mom was holding him.
I smiled.
I went up to Mal and gave her a hug.
"Hey" I said to her

"Yay you're here" she said smiling

"Of course I would be here"
I said hi to everyone else.
Then I went up to my mom.
"Hi mom" as I gave her a hug

"Hi son"
Benjamin put his arms out towards me.
"You want me to hold you?" I asked smiling
My mom gave me Benjamin.
"Hi buddy. Happy birthday" I said
He wrapped his arms around my neck, he basically gave me a hug.
I went to Mal.
"Do you need any help?" I asked
She looked around.
"Honestly I think we have everything"
I nodded.
"Okay. If you need any help please come to me"
She nodded.
A few hours pasted.
The party already started.
Mal didn't want a big one, so it was just us.
I took Benjamin to the playground and played with him.
He still needs to learn how to walk still.
Little by little he's been doing okay.
So all day I helped him walk.
He would take a few steps but then fall.
He didn't cry.
I would pick him up and hold his hands and started walking at his pace.
He was trying.
So I gave him an A for effort.
Sooner or later we had cake and ice cream.
Benjamin loved his cake.
Mal had tears of joy.
She loves him so much.
It was time to open presents.
So many students from the school got Benjamin some presents.
He got so many new toys, bibs, some clothes, he was so happy.
I gave him a small car for him to drive in.

When he opened it, Mal immediately gave me that look

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When he opened it, Mal immediately gave me that look.
But I just smiled at her.
The party was over.
I helped Mal with all of Benjamin's new stuff back to her place.
Some of the stuff she left at my place too.
After the party I hung out with Mal and Benjamin in Mal's room.
Me and Mal talked a bit more, just about life.
But honestly I was admiring how beautiful she is.
After talking for so long, it was getting late, so I said bye and went back to my room.
When I got to my room I changed into pj's.
Brushed my teeth and went in bed.
I took out my phone and started to look at photos of me, Mal and Benjamin.
They are my whole world.
Benjamin changed my life completely.
Him and Mal are the reason why I want to get out of bed in the morning.
They are everything to me.
After staring at my phone for so long.
I decided to fall asleep.

Thanks for the support!!!❤️
See you guys next chapter!!
Stay tune

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