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3rd POV
It's been a few weeks since Chad's party.
Chad got sick and so he stopped having parties.
Chad's parents found out that he was having parties on school days.
But they didn't find out about all the drugs he has.
But as for Ben, ever since that night, he felt like he needed to talk to someone about his addiction.
It was wasn't his first time doing pills.
He started after Mal broke up with him.
Well more like a few weeks after.
The only person that he trust was Mal.
But knowing her she doesn't want to talk to him.
Ben's POV
I decided to stop drinking and doing hardcore drugs.
But I still smoke not going to lie.
But I want to stop completely.
Even smoking but I just can't.
I want to talk to someone about my condition, but I don't trust anyone, except Mal.
But I'm pretty sure she hates me now.
We stopped talking for a long time.
And it hurts me, because I miss her and Benjamin so damn much.
I would do anything just to be with them again.
I woke up and got ready for school.
After getting ready I walked to school.
I also decided that Chad was a bad person to hang out with.
So I hung out, by myself.
But I was okay with it.
It's better than hanging out with Chad and his group.
The bell rang.
I took a deep breath.
Then I went to art class.
And yes I sit next to Mal now.
Because Jessica moved states.
When I got to class, Mal wasn't there yet.
So I sat down.
Eventually Mal walked through the door.
I looked away.
Then she sat down.
She took out her pencil.
The last bell rang and class started.
"Alright good morning class" Mrs. Shell said

"Morning" some students said

"So today we are going to study the world of paint"
Then she handed out paper.
It was almost the end of class and I still haven't spoken a word to Mal.
I don't know what to say.
We haven't talked in so long.
In fact, she probably doesn't even wanna look at me.
But I need to try.
"When you are done with the assignment keep it with you, because it's going to be a study guide for a test" Mrs. Shell said
I finished my assignment and placed it in my backpack.
I rested my head on my desk and waited until Mal was done.
Class was about to end and she was still working.
About 4 minutes later she was finally done.
She put her paper inside her backpack.
Then she sat there.
What should I say?
I was so nervous to talk to her.
I remember the first time I met her, I was like that as well.
Good times.
I snapped out of it.
Then I cleared my throat, I opened my mouth to say something, but the bell rang.
She immediately got up and walked out the door.
Damn it.
I quickly followed her.
She walked so fast I had to jog to her.
"Mal" I said
She turned around and she saw me.
She rolled her eyes and started walking even faster.
So I ran to her.
"Can I talk to you?" I asked when I caught up to her

"Do I have too?" as she kept walking

"Well, no"

"Then I don't" she said

"Please Mal, it's important"
She kept walking.
But then I got in front of her.
"Mal please" I said

"I don't ever want to talk to you again"

"Listen, I know that you hate me, and that's okay because I hate myself too"
She looked at me.
My heart immediately felt warm again.
She has not looked at me for a long time.
"I know that I was a complete jerk to you. And I'm so sorry for that. But I really do need to talk to you" I added
She was quite.
Then she said:
"You don't know how badly you hurt me. I tried to help you, but all you could think of is yourself. You not only hurt me, but you also hurt Benjamin. I trusted you" she said tearing up a bit

"Mal, I'm so sorry. I would do anything to change the past. You and Benjamin mean the world to me. And I know I never told you that in person, but it's true. But Mal I need help"
She looked at me once again.
"Why should I help you? I tried to help you but you just pushed me away" she said

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