Junior Year

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3rd POV
A new year of school is about to start in a week for the Auradon students.
Over the summer, Mal, Ben, Baby Benjamin and Mal's friends hung out almost everyday.
Baby Benjamin is now 8 months.
Ben helps him try to walk, but he still needs a little help.
Mal loves it when they both bond together.
Me being the narrator of this story, Mal has a few things to tell Ben.
But I can't tell you, you have to wait and see when Mal is ready.
Sorry guys.
Let's just say, she has a secret.
Okay, that's all I'm telling you guys.
Enjoy the chapter.
Mal's POV
School starts next week!
I'm so excited!
Ben took me to get some new clothes, basically new everything.
He even bought Benjamin new toys.
Even though he has a bunch.
But Ben loves to spoil him.
This week I'm staying at my dorm.
Just so I can get everything ready for school.
Oh, and about Benjamin, when I'm at school, he is going to the daycare that they have in the school library.
Only me, Ben, Evie, Carlos, Jay and Ben's parents can sign out Benjamin if I need anyone to pick him up if I get stuck at school, for any reason.
Benjamin was asleep in his crib.
So I started to pack my backpack with all my new stuff.
Suddenly my phone buzzed.
I picked it up from my bed and Ben was calling.
I smiled and answered.
"Hey" I said

"Hey beautiful"

"Whats up?"

"Can you open your door please?"

"Sure" I said
I went to the door and sure enough he was there.
"Hi" I said smiling uncontrollably

I let him come in.
"Shhhh Benjamin is asleep" I said quietly

"Dang. I wanted to play with him"

"I'm sorry. He just ate too so he usually gets tired after he eats"

"That's okay"
"So what are you up to?" he added

"I'm just packing some stuff for school"

"Nice nice. Did you find a outfit that you're gonna wear for the first day?"

"I actually haven't figured that out yet" I said zipping up the backpack
Then I sat next to him on my bed.
"You okay?" I asked

"Yeah I'm okay" as he smiled

"Ben I've known you for quite a while, when you come to my room unexpectedly it means you want to give me something or you wanna talk about something"
He looked down at the floor.
"Remember you can talk to my about anything. I promise I'm not going to tell anyone" I added
I rubbed his back.
It took him a moment to say something.
"I uh......."
He wanted to say it, but he couldn't.
"Hey, it's okay. If you don't want to talk it about I'm not going to force you" I said giving him a warm smile
He took a deep breath.
"My parents just told me that I'm going to be King" he said

"Ben that's good"

"No. I'm sorry but I don't think I'm even ready"
Small tears started coming down his soft cheeks.
"Hey" I said wiping them off gently
"Listen, I'm here to support you, because that's whats couples do" I added

"I just can't"

"Can't what?"

"I can't leave you. I feel like I won't have no time for you and Benjamin. I don't want you or Benjamin being alone" he said

"Ben, we will be okay, I can promise you that"

"I'm just scared something might happen and I won't be there for you guys"

"I get where you're going with this, and I understand" I said

"No Mal you don't understand!"
My eyes widened.
Why is he acting like this.
"Ben I'm just trying help" I said

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