It's Time

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3rd POV
It's been a few weeks since Benjamin's first birthday.
Junior year is almost over.
But in a few days Ben is finally going to be King.
He is so nervous.
Ben's POV
I've been going to the coronation practices everyday after school.
Tourney was over for this school year, and it is my last time to join and sports or clubs, because being King is a tough job.
I'm I even ready for this?
I'm still to young to become King.
I'm just afraid I won't have anytime for anyone.
I don't want this job being in the way of everyone that I love.
I sat in my room, just thinking.
Coronation Day!
Today is the day.
I'm becoming King.
I had to wake up early, so my alarm went off at 6:30am.
I turned it off and groaned.
"This is it" I told myself
I slowly got and wore some old clothes.
My mom and dad hired a stylist weeks ago, so he has my full suit.
My mom texted me:
Goodmorning sweetheart, when you're done getting ready come to the kitchen breakfast is made.
I texted back:
Okay on my way
After getting dressed I went to the kitchen, that was located towards the back of the castle.
When I got to the kitchen, everyone was there.
Like, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Lumiere, my mom and dad, I mean like everyone that lives in the castle.
"Yay there he is!!!" my dad said
Everyone turned and they all gave me a around of a applause.
I smiled but looked down.
My dad came up to me.
"You ready to become King?" he asked smiling
I gave him a small smile.
"Yeah" I said not confident in my answer
Then my mom came up to me.
"Come on, you need to eat something before the ceremony" she said
I nodded.
I made a plate of food, sat down and ate.
After eating it was time to put my suit on that the stylist made for me.
I kinda already know what it looks like, because he obviously had to measure my whole body and my head.
My mom came up to me.
"Okay sweetheart, go put it on" she said handing me the suit
I graded it and headed to my room.
When I got to my room, I opened the door.
"Oh hey" I said
It was Mal and Benjamin.
"There you are"

"Sorry I was eating in the kitchen"
I walked in and closed my door.
"Oh" she said

"Whats up?" I asked

"Well, I just wanted to tell you goodluck and you are going to be an amazing King"
I looked down at my feet.
"Thanks" I said
She noticed how quite I was.
"Is everything okay?" she asked
I shook my head no.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
Then I nodded yes.
We sat on my bed.
"Whats wrong?" she asked

"I.........I feel like, I feel like I'm not ready to become King"

"And why is that?"

"I mean, I'm still young, I'm only 17. I still don't know how to run an entire Kingdom by myself" I said

"Ben, you won't be by yourself, you have your mom and dad, and most importantly you have me and Benjamin"
I looked at Benjamin who was sitting on her lap.
"Ben, I know it's going to be hard, but I promise you, you will be wise and great King" she added
I smiled a bit.

"I will support you no matter what comes your way"
I nodded.
Then she gave me a hug.
"Benjamin also says goodluck" she said smiling

"Thanks buddy" as I smiled

"What time is the ceremony"

"It starts at 10, so three more hours" I said
She nodded.
"Well, I better get going, I want a good spot"
I chuckled.
She gave me a hug and she walked out.
I sighed.
But I shook it off and put my suit on.
It took a while to put the suit on.
I didn't want to accidentally rip it.
*knock* *knock*
I buttoned my last button on the suit, then I went to open my door.
It was my parents.
"Oh my gosh, you look so handsome" my mom said
I smiled.
"You think so?" I asking laughing

"I love it" my dad said
They both gave me a hug.
"I am so proud of you" my mom said

"You will do great son" my dad said smiling
After the hug, I smiled at them.
Maybe being King won't be so hard after all.
"I think I'm ready" I said
They both nodded.
Then we went to the big church where the ceremony will take place.
We went inside a limo, and the limo took us there.
The ride felt so long.
I was getting more and more anxious.
I just want the ceremony to be done already.
Finally we got there.
There was already so many people there.
I took a deep breath.
But suddenly I saw Mal and Benjamin.
I immediately felt calmer.
Then I smiled.
The limo parked behind the church.
We got out and immediately the paparazzi started taking so many pictures.
"You ready?" my dad asked
I swallowed nervously.
But then I nodded.
"You will do great. We love you" my mom said smiling
I smiled back at them.
"I love you guys too"
I gave them both a hug.
Then we made out way too the front.
Everyone else was already inside waiting.
I took a deep breath.
Then the choir started too sing.
I knew that was my cue.
"Just like practice" I mumbled to myself
The doors opened and everyone stood up.
Then I started walking down the aisle.
So many eyes stared at me.
But I had to keep walking.
I got closer to Fairy god Mother.
But from the corner of my eye I saw Mal and Benjamin.
I knew it was Mal, because she was wearing a purple dress and Benjamin was wearing a blue tux.
I smiled a bit as I saw them.

I finally made it past everyone.
So I kneeled in front of FG.
I heard everyone sit back down.
Then it started.
15 minutes later...
"Do you swear to protect the people of Auradon , no matter the consequences?" FG asked
I was quite for a bit.
Then I heard Benjamin laugh a bit.
So I smiled and said:
"I promise"
FG smiled and then she blessed me with her wand.
"Congratulations King Ben" she said
Everyone clapped and cheered loud.
I couldn't help of smile uncontrollably.
My mom and dad were so proud.
They were both crying.
I walked back down the aisle and went straight to my parents and hugged them.
"We are so proud of you" my mom said

"We love you so much" my dad said

"I love you guys too"
After the hugs we went outside and everyone followed.
People wanted photos, especially the paparazzi.
Then Mal and Benjamin came up to me.
"See I told you, you will do just fine" she said
I turned around and there she was.
So was so beautiful.
"Yup, gotta give you props for that" as I smiled
Then she gave me a hug.
"I'm so happy for you" she said
I just hugged her, I actually didn't want to let go.
After the hug Benjamin wanted me to hold him.
"He's been asking for his.....for you all day" she said correcting her self

"Really?" I asked smiling
"You missed me huh buddy?" I asked Benjamin
He just smiled and hugged me.
"Aw I've missed you too buddy"
I gave him a hug back.
We talked for a bit more, until my parents wanted to go out to eat.
So close friends and family came to go eat with us.
The long day went on.
I was King now.
My first meeting is a week before Senior year starts.
Junior year is almost over.
We have about three more weeks left, and we are going to become Seniors.
Man, high school went by so fast.
So many memories.
After a long day, I finally laid in my bed.
I changed my clothes into pj's.
Then I laid in bed and took out my phone.
I looked at pictures of me, Mal and Benjamin.
I need to get her back.
I messed up, it's my fault.
So I had an idea.

Ben is finally King now!
Yay! Good for him.
Sorry for not posting, sometimes i forget to post😂 my bad
But hope y'all are enjoying my book so far!
Please vote and share! It helps.
Anyways see ya next chapter.
Stay safe out there❤️

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