Senior Year

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3rd POV
It's finally Senior Year for some Auradon students!
They all grow up so fast.
And speaking of growing up, Benjamin learned how to walk!
He's also been mumbling too.
He still needs a bit help to talk.
But other then that he is such a good baby.
Mal's POV
Today is the first day of Senior year.
Man, high school years go by super fast.
Benjamin will still be going to day care inside the library.
But then and there I will take him to my classes.
Like today, he will be with me all day.
Ben is supposed to be picking me and Benjamin up before school starts.
Knowing Ben, he talked to the school, so me and him would have all of the same classes this year.
Sure enough they said yes.
So now I will be seeing Ben in all my classes.
Which I don't mind at all.
I just love him so much.
That morning I got up and got ready.
Doug picked up Evie already and they went to school.
I fed Benjamin and changed his clothes.
Suddenly there was a knock at my door.
I got up and opened it.
"Hey beautiful"
I smiled.
He gave me a hug and gave me a kiss.
"You ready?" he asked

He went over to Benjamin who was laying on my bed.
"Hi buddy" Ben said picking him up
Benjamin immediately gave him a hug.
"Awww he missed you" I said

"I've missed you too little guy" he said to him
Benjamin smiled.
Then we went to school.
When we got there everyone was saying hi to Benjamin.
The whole school loves him.
Benjamin would get shy when the girls would say hi.
The bell rang.
So me, Ben and Benjamin went to our first class of the day.
Eventually the day was over.
Ben wanted to take me out on a date.
Just a little something to celebrate for our first day of being seniors.
So we went out for ice cream.
After getting the ice cream we sat outside.
We talked and laughed.
Benjamin was with us.
"Hey, so I heard something thats been going around school" Ben said
Oh no.
Does he know?
I hope he doesn't know.
"What?" I asked nervously

"I heard that Shawn might be coming back"
I let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh. Why?" I asked

"Apparently he thinks that the other school is to perfect for him" as he chuckled

"He is so dumb"
Ben just laughed.
"So......are you going to get back with him?" he asked

"What? No way. Don't be silly I'm with you" I said giving him a kiss
"And I love you" I added
He smiled widely.
"I love you too"
Benjamin made a mess all over himself with the ice cream.
But Ben helped cleaned it off of him.
I watched as Ben cleaned off his clothes.
He loves him so much, I can see it.
When Ben was done.
We decided to head back to his place for the night.
Don't worry some of my clothes and Benjamin's clothes were at Ben's place just in case.
We got dressed into pj's.
Benjamin fell asleep already and he was in the crib.
Me and Ben laid on his bed cuddling and watching tv.
Ben's POV
We laid on my bed.
I cuddled Mal close to me as we both watched tv.
I think she was getting tired.
So I moved herself ontop of me.
I placed a blanket over us.
I was still fully awake, so I turned down the volume.
"You tired already?" I asked

She closed her eyes.
Then I gently rubbed her back.
She pretty much knocked out 10 minutes later.
Few hours later...
I was getting tired now.
So I turned off the tv.
I didn't want to wake Mal up, so I turned on my alarm and just fell asleep like that.
*beep* *beep*
I turned off the alarm before the third beep.
It's a school day.
Mal was knocked out and so was Benjamin.
I turned on my lamp.
Then I slowly got up and got ready.
After getting ready, I gently woke up Benjamin.
It was time to feed him.
He moved as soon as I picked him.
"Hi there little guy. I'm sorry but it's time to feed you"
He slowly opened his eyes to the bright light.
I sat on a chair and fed him.
I changed him into some clothes.
Then I woke up Mal.
"Mal" I whispered

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