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3rd POV
Today Ben is watching Baby Benjamin while Mal helps Evie and Doug
Ben is a bit nervous, because it's his first time taking care of a small human being.
Well yeah of course he would help Mal, but I mean by himself.
He has to feed him, change his clothes and change diapers.
Which of course he has no problem doing that, but he is still nervous.
Ben's POV
I'm on my way to pick up Benjamin.
When I got to Mal's door I knocked.
She opened it.
"Hey" she said smiling

I gave her a hug.
Then I walked in.
Benjamin was already in his stroller.
"I already fed him, feed him around 1pm and 5pm, I should be back around 5:30ish" she said grabbing his bag

"Sounds good"
Then she handed me his bag.
"You ready Mal?" Evie said coming out of the bathroom

"Hey Evie" I said

"Hi Ben"

"Yeah, I'm ready" Mal said to Evie
Then she looked at me.
"I will text you when I'm on my way to you" she said
I nodded.
I gave her a hug.
Then I took the stroller and went back to my place.
When I got to my room, I took Benjamin out of his stroller.
He was awake.
"Hi buddy" I said
I took off the blanket that was around him.
Then he stretched his arms and legs.
"Much better" I said to him
I gave him a toy.
He looked at it, but he slowly took it out of my hands.
Me and him were on my bed laying down.
So I made sure he was having fun.
He would put the toy in his mouth or he would shake it in his tiny hands.
He never fussed once or even cried.
He is so quite, but in a good way.
It's Benjamin's feeding time, so I made his bottle.
I went to pick him up in my arms, then I placed the bottle in his mouth.
He started to drink it.
His little hazel/blue and a bit green eyes were looking at me.
I got lost in his eyes.
Then I smiled.
Man I can't wait to have my own kids someday.
As he was drinking I kept staring into his eyes.
But until I noticed something about his eyes.
Mal's eyes are pure green, Shawn's eyes are dark brown.
So why does Benjamin have blueish eyes?
*knock* *knock*
I looked up and looked at my door.
So I got up and went over.
I opened my door and it was my dad.
"Hey dad" I said
He was about say hi, but then he saw Benjamin.
"Oh, I'm watching him" I added

"Oh okay"

"So what brings you here?" I asked

"Well, I was going to tell you that we have another meeting to attend to next monday"

"Okay what time?"

"At 10am. Don't worry it's the last meeting for the summer since school is almost over" he said

"Thank goodness"

"Anyways your mom's birthday is coming up, so what should we do for her?"

"Well, she really loves that one place. Whats it called again?" I asked

"Are you talking about "Magic In The Hills?"

"Yes that one, we can go there, you know take her out for dinner and maybe after that we can go to the Auradon Market place"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks son" he said

"You're welcome"

"Okay, I better go now, I have a meeting to go too. See you"

Then he left.
I closed my door and saw that Benjamin was done eating.
So I cleaned out his bottle.
Next was to burp him.
"Now the fun part" I told him as I sat down.
I started burping him.
Then he burped so much.
It was adorable, some were small and some were big.
I laughed at every burped he did.
When he was done burping, I changed his diaper and put new clothes on him.
He was tired, so he fell asleep on my bed.
I texted Mal:
Hey me and Benjamin are going to take a nap.
My door is unlocked, go ahead and just come in. <3
I hit sent.
She texted back:
Sounds good!
I clicked off my phone and closed my eyes.
I slowly opened my eyes.
"Hey sleepy head"
It was Mal.
"Oh hey" I said

"I already put Benjamin inside the stroller"
I sat up.
"Let me say bye" I said
I leaned over the stroller.
He was sound asleep.
"Good bye buddy. See ya" I said touching his cheek
Then I hugged Mal.
"Thank you for watching him" she said

"Of course. If you need anyone please tell me first"
She smiled.
I walked to the door.
"Text me when your back at your room" I said

Then she walked out.
I closed my door.
I laid on my bed and watched tv.
My phone buzzed.
I picked it up and it was Mal:
I'm home
I texted back:
Okay good. I will see you at school.
Eventually it was getting late so I went to bed.

Short chapter.
Plz vote, snd share!
Thank you for the support.
See you guys next chapter!💯
As you may know but my Ben and Mal smut book got deleted a few weeks ago😞
I didn't delete it, maybe people were reporting it, but I'm not sure.
So that book is now gone, all my hard work is gone.
I'm not sure if I'm gonna write another one, but idk because I'm focusing on my new books that I'm making.

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