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3rd POV
It's been a few weeks now since the last tourney game.
School has officially ended!
It's summer now for the Auradon students.
Next up they will be Juniors!
Mal is feeling good about her self, because of the pregnancy that she had with Little Benjamin.
She's happy that she got through the school year with her little baby.
With that being said, let's see what Mal is up too!
Mal's POV
Today marks 6 months since Little Benjamin was born.
He got a bit bigger.
He is such a good baby, he still smiles when Ben comes around.
Never cries, he fusses, but no tears come out.
But today me and Ben have something special for Baby Benjamin.
We are taking him to the Auradon Zoo!
He is going to love it.
I was staying at Ben's, so we both woke up and got ready.
Ben got done first, so he woke up Benjamin, fed him, burped him, changed his diaper and put clean clothes on him.

Ben got done first, so he woke up Benjamin, fed him, burped him, changed his diaper and put clean clothes on him

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"You look so adorable" I told Benjamin
I picked him up from Ben's arms.
Ben made sure we had everything.
"Is there extra diapers?" I asked


"What about another pair of clothes?"

"Yes" he said

"His bottles?"


"What about-" I said but he cut me off

"Mal, yes, I promise you everything is in here"
I took a deep breath.
"Okay sorry. Just making sure we don't forget anything" I said

"It's okay. I understand, you are a new mother, and you always want to be prepared"
I nodded.
"Okay, you ready?" he asked picking up the bag

He nodded.
Then I placed Baby Benjamin into the stroller.
And off we went.
We arrived at the Zoo.
It was a bit packed, so we waited in line to buy our tickets.
Today is a cloudy day, thank goodness the sun was not out.
We moved to the window.
"Hello Prince Ben" the lady said


"How can I help you today?"

"Let me get two adult tickets please" he said
The lady typed it in.
Baby Benjamin gets to go in for free because he is under three years old.
"Okay, it's that it?" she asked


"Okay, your total is 25.75"
Ben payed.
Then we got our tickets and we went in.
"Okay, where to first?" he asked

"How about we go see the reptiles"

"Good idea"
Off we went.
We looked at everything at the Zoo.
Benjamin loved it.
He would point whenever he saw an animal.
He is such a smart boy.
Of course we went to the main gift shop and got him lots of things.
Ben spoiled him, like a lot.
I know he isn't Ben's actual kid, but I want him to have a father figure while he grows up.
He loves Benjamin so much.

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