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A/N: Yall Im so sorry for not posting :(
I got a new job so i sleep during the day and work at nights.
Sorry for posting this chapter late, but hope y'all enjoy!!!💯❤️

3rd POV
Three days past.
Ben, Mal and baby Benjamin are finally going back home.
Ben made sure they had everything.
And they left the hospital.
Mal's POV
I sat on the wheelchair with Benjamin in my arms.
He was sound asleep.
Ben took us back to the limo.
Then we went back home.
Sadly Evie, the boys and my other friends couldn't come down to see Benjamin after he was born.
They had school.
But they knew we were coming home today.
The drive home, felt long.
20 minutes later...
We made it to Auradon prep.
I looked out the window and saw the whole school there holding signs saying "Congratulations Mal!"
and "Welcome home baby Benjamin!"
It was heart warming.
I loved it.
Ben parked the limo in front of the school.
He got out and went to my side of the door and helped me out.
I sat on the wheelchair.
Then he took out Benjamin in the backseat.
Don't worry he was inside a car seat.
Ben handed Benjamin to me.
The school didn't want to make such loud noises, so they got a bit quite once they saw Benjamin.
I saw Evie and the boys.
Ben pushed me over to them.
As I passed the students they all said "Awwwww" or "He is so adorable"

Evie and the boys ran to me.
They hugged me.
"I'm so happy that you are okay" Evie said

"I'm okay" as I smiled
Then they looked at Benjamin.
"Oh my god! He is so small! And so adorable" Evie said

"That's one adorable baby" Jay said smiling

"Hi baby Benjamin" Carlos said

"Let's go inside" I said
Ben pushed me to the doors.
As we passed the students they told me:
"Congratulations Mal!"
I said thank you to all of them.
It was a school day, so after that everyone went back to school.
Ben took me to my dorm, Evie and the boys followed.
We went inside the room and talked.
Evie, Jay and Carlos got to hold baby Benjamin.
It wasn't long until they had to go back to school.
So it was just me, Ben and Benjamin.
"Is it alright if I could stay with you until later? I have tourney practice after school" he asked

"Of course"
So Ben stayed with me all day.
But then he left later on in the day for practice.
Now it was me and Benjamin.
Evie went with Doug after school.
I needed to feed Benjamin.
So pulled up my shirt and he immediately latched on.
I sighed in relief.
I thought he was going to struggle.
But he did amazing. I'm so proud of my little baby.
After feeding him, I changed his diaper and put some pj's that Evie had made for him.
I rocked him to sleep in my arms.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ben.
"Oh hey" I said sitting up
I looked down and saw that Benjamin was gone.
"Don't worry I have him" he said
I looked at Ben and sure enough he was in his arms.
"Thank goodness"
"What time is it?" I added

"Practice just ended, so it's 4pm. I wanted to check up on you guys"

"Thank you"

"Are you hungry? We can go get some food" he asked

"You sure?"

"Yeah of course. Come on"
So I got up and threw on some random clothes.
Ben placed Benjamin into the stroller.

Ben placed Benjamin into the stroller

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Then we headed out.
Ben pushed the stroller.
I could finally walk, so I don't need the wheelchair anymore.
We didn't go to far.
There was a place around corner of Auradon prep.
When we got there it wasn't that packed.
So we ordered.
After that we sat on some seats that were outside.
The sun was going down and it was beautiful.
We got our food and we started to eat.
"My first meal out of the hospital" I said
He smiled.
"You are so adorable"
I blushed.
Benjamin fussed a little.
"Shhhh it's okay baby" I said to him

"You're a mom now. How do you feel?"

"I just feel so much joy and happiness. He saved me. Even though he was a mistake. But I'm just glad I sex with-" but I quickly stopped

"Shawn" he said

"Yeah of course Shawn"
He smiled at me.
So we finished up our food.
After that we went back to my place.
Benjamin was already asleep.
So I placed him inside his crib that was next to my bed.
Then I looked at Ben.
He was looking at Benjamin.
"You can say goodnight to him" I said
He nodded.
He placed his hand on his small cheek.
"Goodnight little guy. Be good for your mom"
After that he just stood there, just looking at him.
I could tell that he didn't want to leave him.
Ben told me that he felt a connection with him.
Like a very strong connection.
And ever since then he wants to always be with him.
Which obviously I don't mind at all, because Ben is my boyfriend.
"Did you want to stay?" I asked
He looked at me.
"You okay with that?"

"Of course. And I think Benjamin would love if you would stay" I said
He smiled.
So he took off his clothes, obviously he had his boxers on.
I laid in bed because I was already tired.
After when Ben changed he gently picked up Benjamin from the crib.
I turned on the tv.
Ben turned off the lights, leaving us with the tv light.
Then Ben laid next to me.
"You have room?" he asked


"I know these beds are small. I promise I will get you a new one"

"Thank you" I said
So we laid down watching tv.
Ben held Benjamin in his arms for a long time.
It was getting late.
I was asleep, but I woke up when I felt Ben get out of bed, so he could placed Benjamin back into his crib.
He placed the blankets over him.
Then he climbed in bed next to me.
So we both fell asleep.

Thank you for the reads!
And the votes!
Please share!
Next chapter I think I will be doing some time skipping.
It depends.
Anyways stay tune for next chapter!!!💯

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