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3rd POV
It's been a few weeks now.
And of course everyday Ben and Mal are becoming closer, well as friends.

Mal's POV
It's a school day, last night I had a rough night, I only got a few hours of sleep.
I didn't want to go to school but I have a test today.
So I got up and got ready for school.
I went to my locker and got a few books out.
"You don't look to good" a voice said
I turned around and it was Ben, he was smiling.
So I gave him a smile back.
"Ouch, goodmorning to you too I guess" I said smiling
He chuckled.
"But you do look really beautiful today"

"Oh thanks"

"Bad day?" he asked

"How do you know?"

"Mal, I've known you for a long time, and when you have a bad day you wear sweatpants and a shirt"
He is actually right though.

"Right. Yeah I had a bad night"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. A few things came up, but I would rather not talk about it" I said

"That's okay"
Then the bell rang.
"If it makes you feel any better I have a surprise for you during lunch" he added

"I can't wait" I said smiling

"Alright, see you next class"
I nodded.
And off he went to his first class.
I swear that boy makes me happy.
Then I went to my class.
My classes went on to being normal, then lunch came.
All of our friends sat inside the cafeteria at the same table.
When I got inside the cafeteria, everyone was there at the table already.
So I sat next to Ben.
"Hey guys" I said sitting down

"Hey Mal" they said
We started eating our lunch and talking.
"Hey, I got you something" Ben said

"I wonder what it is"
Then he brought out chocolate covered strawberries.
I gasp.
"What really? For me?"

"Yeah. I know how much you love them"
I took them.
"Thank you so much. You made my day" I said hugging him

"You're welcome, you deserve happiness"
After the hug, I stared into his blue, hazel eyes.
But the bell rang.
"Well, at least we have the same class right now" he said getting up
I smiled.
We left to our last two classes for the day.
Art is our last class of the day.
When me and Ben got to class we sat next to each other.
"Good afternoon class" Miss Liv said
Everyone was just tired and didn't say anything.
"Today we are just going to work with your partner. I'm going to pass out a plain white paper and on that paper you are going to draw something about how you are feeling today. Then once you are done you are going to show your partner and they have to guess what you drew and then you are going to tell them what it is. Make sense?" she asked

"Yes" half the class said

"Good" as she smiled
Then she started passing out the paper to each table.
"This is going to be fun" Ben said smiling
I chuckled.
Then we got our paper.
"I guess it's me and you" he said

"I'm okay with that"
"Okay don't look" I added moving my paper away from him
He laughed
Then I drew something about how I was feeling.
I also heard Ben's pencil hit his paper.
"Okay I'm done" I said flipping my paper over

"Me too" he said

"Can I go first?"


I took a deep breath and flipped my paper over.
Ben's POV
Once when she flipped over her paper I saw that she drew a heart.
Just a simple heart. No words. Just a heart.
So I smiled.
"You're not saying anything" she said freaking out a bit
"Sorry, I just think it's a beautiful heart" I said smiling trying to ease her up a bit
"Ben. It's just a heart" as she kinda smiled

"I know. But I really like it"
She blushed.
"So, now tell me what do you think it means?" she asked

"I think that you are probably feeling............like, if you really want to be loved" I said
She immediately looked at me.
"I'm sorry" I quickly apologized

"No, it's okay. That's good answer"
I took a deep breath.
"Okay now your turn" she said
I nodded.
Then I slowly flipped mine over.
"It's a heart" she said


"Okay, well I think, that probably you love someone" she said
I didn't know what to say.
"I'm I right?" she asked clueless
So I just chuckled.
"Yes. I love my mom" I said still laughing
She laughed too.
"Well this was fun" she said
School was done for the day, so I walked Mal back to her dorm.
"Thank you again for the strawberries" she said as we got to her door

"Of course. I will make you more"

"Please" as she chuckled
I chuckled too.
"I guess I will see you tomorrow" she said

I gave her a hug, then I went back to my dorm.
When I got to my room, I threw myself on my bed.
Why can't I just tell her already?
I'm so in love with her.

Hope you are loving my new book so far!
Please share!!!
See ya guys next chapter!

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