Last Game

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A/N: This chapter has 18+ content!
I'm warning you.
Read at your own risk!!!!🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

3rd POV
It's been a few weeks now.
Today is a Friday for the Auradon students.
But today is no ordinary day.
After school, is the very last tourney game of the school year.
These pass months Auradon won every game.
Ben is so excited and nervous.
Ben's POV
"Timeout!" couch yelled
The referees blew the whistle.
"Everyone huddle" he added
So we did just that.
"Come on team! We need two more points to win"
It was the last quarter and 5 minutes of the game.
Everyone in the bleachers cheered and gave us support.
Of course Mal, Evie, Doug, Jane, Lonnie and Baby Benjamin were there.
Benjamin had some cute ear muffs on, because it was too loud for him.
"Okay, you guys ready?" couch asked

"Yes couch!" we all yelled

"Knights on three" Jay said

"One, two, three, Knights!" we yelled
We went back on the field.
The ball went up.
I got it and quickly passed it to Carlos.
He ran short, so he passed it to Chad.
Chad passed the danger zone where they shoot frisbee's at you.
But the other team quickly rushed Chad.
"I'm open!" Jay yelled
So Chad immediately passed it to Jay.
I blocked the guys who were trying to get close to Jay.
Jay got close to the goal net.
But then another guy got in front of Jay.
I saw that Jay got tripped up.
As he was falling he saw me open, so he passed it to me.
Then he hit the floor.
I got the ball and I immediately used all my strength and shot the ball inside the goal.
The bleachers cheered, clapped and whistled.
"Nice one Ben!" couch said
It's a tie now, 4-4.
We only have two more minutes of the game.
Our team was focused.
We got back into starting position.
Once again the ball shot up into the air.
But the other team got it.
I quickly rushed the guy, but he threw it to another teammate that was a bit closer our goal.
Carlos was the closest guy, so he backed away a few steps.
The guy tried to get pass Carlos, but he couldn't.
The guy tried to look for his other teammates, but they were all blocked by our guys.
He stood there not knowing what to do.
Until Jay came out of know where and took the ball.
Our team immediately ran the opposite direction.
I got a head lead.
I was the one closest to the goal.
Eventually the other team caught up to Jay.
And he needed to get rid of the ball.
"Jay!" I yelled
I knew he was in trouble.
So Jay looked up and saw that I was open.
Then he passed it.
I caught it in my stick and ran.
What if I miss?
No, I got this. I said to myself.
As I got closer, I felt so nervous.
Everything was going in slow motion.
I quickly turned at Mal in the bleachers and saw Baby Benjamin.
I smiled.
Seeing Mal smiled was the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life.
And to see Baby Benjamin asleep, is the most adorable baby I've ever seen.
I was almost to the goal.
Then I made it, without hesitation I just threw the ball inside.
I watched as it slowly went through the air.
We all watched as it went in.
Immediately the students cheered so loud.
"The Auradon Knights have won!" the spokesman said
Suddenly my team came up to me and hyped me up.
"That was so sick!" one guy said

"Let give it up for Prince Ben!" Jay yelled
My whole team screamed.
Then we went back to couch.
"I am so damn proud of you guys. You guys are the best team I had so far. This is the best season that I had, but now it's time for a little break." couch said
Then he picked up the trophy.
"Now, this trophy belongs to us. But today I'm changing it. I think someone here deserves it." he added
"Just so you guys know, I'm not playing favourites here" as he chuckled.
We laughed with him.
"But I think this trophy belongs to Ben" he continued
I was in shock.
"Me?" I asked

"Yes son"
I slowly stood up and went to him.
I was just confused.
Then he handed me the trophy.
My team clapped and cheered.
"Let go Ben!" my teammate said
I just smiled.
After the cheering, I said:
"Um thank you, I guess"
My team just laughed.
"I uh, I didn't prepare myself for this. But I guess I want to say thank you. This team and sport has changed me a lot. And I'm really proud of us. We did amazing at communicating and helping each other out on that field, and off the field as well" as I smiled
I looked at the bleachers and saw Mal and Baby Benjamin.
Then I looked back at my team.
"I can't believe this is our last game of Sophomore year. Man, I'm going to miss you guys. Just have a great summer and hope too see you at next years tryouts" I continued
The team clapped.
Then I sat back down.
Couch started talking again, but his voice faded away as soon as I laid my eyes on Mal.
She was waiting for me.
I stared at her.
I wanted to get up and hug her so bad.
But couch was still talking.
He was finally done.
So I got up and ran up the bleachers straight to Mal.
"Oh hi-" she said but got cut off because I hugged her.
She immediately hugged me back.
"You did so good. I'm so proud of you" she whispered

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