Baby Shower

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3rd POV
Mal is 8 months pregnant now!
Her belly got way bigger.
Little Benjamin will be here soon.
At first Mal didn't want a baby shower, but Ben wanted her to have one.
So he talked Mal into it and eventually she said yes.
But Mal wants close friends and family not the whole school.
Mal's POV
It's the day of my baby shower.
Me and Evie woke up and got ready.
Suddenly I got a text from Ben.
I looked at my phone.
Goodmorning my beautiful girlfriend! :)
Everything is ready for the baby shower!
Whenever you are ready come to my castle, the guards will be waiting for you.
I will see you there <3

I got so excited.
Eventually me and Evie got done.
So I sat on my wheelchair and we went to go get Carlos and Jay.
Doug was gonna meet us there.
Lonnie and Jane too!
After getting the boys we headed to the castle.
We got to the castle doors.
"Princess Mal, we've been waiting for you" the guard said
Damn. I totally forgot I was a princess.
They opened the doors.
On the other side of the door was another guard.
So we followed him into the ball room.
"Alright, we are here" the guard said
So he opened the door that lead to the ball room
As soon as he opened it, I saw how big the place was.
But then I also saw all the beautiful decorations that Ben and my friends help set up.
I smiled with so much joy.
"Hey you" Ben said

He gave me a hug.
"Ben, this is so beautiful" I said

"I'm glad you love it"
There was so much going on.
There was a long table with delicious food.
There was a chocolate fountain with strawberries and all kinds of fruits.
There were blue balloons and a photo booth.
There was a lot more.
It was everything.
Evie walked with Doug.
But Ben stayed with me.
"Congratulations Mal" Belle said giving me a hug

"Thank you"
Don't worry his parents know that we are dating.
"I'm so happy for you" Beast said also giving me a hug

"Thank you guys so much" I said
They stayed at the baby shower.
After they walked away, Ben told me:
"My parents love you" he said

"Thank goodness, I thought they hated me"
He chuckled.
"Nah. My parents aren't like that. Sadly they also loved Audrey, but I'm just happy that my parents and her didn't have a close relationship with her"

"I hope I have a good relationship with them" I said

"Trust me, you will"
He smiled.
"Are you hungry?" he asked

"I am"
So he took me to the table filled with so many delicious food.
We ate.
Hours later I opened lots of gifts.
Some were from so many Auradon students.
I got so many cute clothes, baby bottles, toys, bibs, blankets, socks, it was a lot.
"I have one more gift" Ben said
I didn't know Ben got me something.
"Close your eyes" he added
So I did.
Ben's POV
My dad helped me pull out the gift.
It was wrapped in wrapping paper.
Then we moved it to Mal.
"Okay open" I said
She opened her eyes.
"Whats this?"

"Open it" I said
So she ripped the paper off.
Once it was off she gasp.
"It's a crib!"
She smiled.
"Thank you so much" she said
I gave her a hug.
"Of course"
A few more hours passed and it was getting late.
So we stopped.
"Can I stay with you?" she asked

"Of course you can"
We cleaned up a bit and everyone went back home.
So I took Mal back to my room.
We changed into pj's and laid on my bed.
"So you have one more month until little Benjamin comes" I said smiling at her

"I'm so nervous"

"Why is that?"

"Ben, it's my first time giving birth and it's my first time that a baby is coming out of my hole" she said

"That's not the first time something came out of your hole" I mumbled
She immediately playfully hit my arm.
I laughed, she did too.
"But other then that, I'm so happy" she added

"That's good. You should be happy. This is your baby" I said
She just nodded, but no smile.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah. I'm okay"

"You sure?" I asked again

"Yes Ben. I'm sure"
She gave me a weak smile.
But I let it go.
"Hey, cheer up" I said smiling
Then she smiled.
"There we go. Theres that smile" I added

"I'm just scared" she suddenly said

"Scared? Scared of what?"

"I don't know. I want to tell Shawn, but I'm just scared of what he is gonna say"

"Hey, don't worry about him. Just worry about you, your friends and your baby. I'm going to help
you and I'm going to love that baby, even if it's not mine" I said

"Yeah, you're right"
I smiled.
"Let's just get some rest" I said

I turned off my lamp and we went to bed.

I know, it's a short chapter.
But stay tune for next chapter!!!
Anyways please share!And vote!
See ya ❤️💯
Also guys I have a posting schedule now!
The days i'm going to be uploading are:
and Friday's 👍🏽

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