Wet Day

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3rd POV
Weeks past now.
It's still winter in Auradon, but luckily the rain has stopped and the snow.
Now it's just cloudy most days, and Christmas break is finally over, a few more months of Senior year and they will officially graduate from High School.
Time passed so fast for the Auradon students.
Mal's POV
It's another school day.
So me and Ben got up and got dressed.
Ben was done so he helped me with Benjamin, like feeding him and changing him.
I packed Benjamin's things for daycare.
We eventually went downstairs to grab some breakfast.
Almost everyone was already out of the house and at school.
Lonnie wasn't feeling good so her and Jay stayed home.
After getting some breakfast we went to school.
When we got there we both dropped Benjamin off to the library.
"See you later my baby" I said giving him a kiss

"Bye buddy" Ben said giving him a hug

"I love you" I told Benjamin
Benjamin gave me a quick hug and went to go play.
Then me and Ben went to our lockers.
Once when we arrived to our lockers, I opened mine and started to get some books out.
"I can't wait until we graduate" I said zipping up my backpack

"Me too! I can spend more time with you an Benjamin now"

"Will you still be going to meetings after we graduate?"

"Not as much now, my dad already gave me my meeting schedule for this whole year, so I know what days I have off. But today I have one meeting after school, so I will pick up some dinner for us" he said with a gentle smile

"Okay" I said smiling back
Then the bell rang, so me and Ben went to our class.
After school...
School was normal today.
And it went by quick.
Ben left for his meeting and I went to pick up Benjamin.
Since we lived a bit far from the school now, Ben bought me a bike with a baby carrier on it.
So instead of walking back home with Benjamin in my arms, I would take the bike.
The school let me keep the bike inside the library.
We live about 7 miles away.
So the bike came in handy.

I tried to rush home because the news said it was going to rain a bit around 4 and we get off of school at 3:30

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I tried to rush home because the news said it was going to rain a bit around 4 and we get off of school at 3:30.
So I zoomed home.
Thank goodness I made it home.
It started to sprinkle a little.
I didn't want the bike to get wet, so I put it under the waterproof tarp that was over Evie's garden.

I didn't want the bike to get wet, so I put it under the waterproof tarp that was over Evie's garden

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