First Date

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A/N: Before you start reading, I want to take a moment.
Today marks two years since Cameron Boyce passed away :(
It's so sad how he died at 20, I grew up watching him all the time on disney and on Grown ups.
He made me laugh all the time.
The energy that he had on the screen is something that I will never forget❤️💯
We all are sad on this day.
But we can look back at memories that Cam had with his friends, family and fans.
Stay safe out there guys❤️
R.I.P Cameron

3rd POVIt's been a few weeks now

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3rd POV
It's been a few weeks now.
Ben and Mal are finally dating each other.
But Mal doesn't want to tell anyone at all.
So they are keeping it a secret.
Just for now though.
Everytime Ben and Mal are at school they act like normal friends.
Anyways let's get into the story.
Ben's POV
It's another school day.
Once when I woke up I immediately texted Mal.

Good morning beautiful <3
Can't wait too see you!
Anyways just remember to always smile.

I looked at it one last time and then I hit send.
After that I got up and got dressed.
After getting dressed I headed to school.
I was so excited to see Mal.
When I got to school, I saw that Mal was getting stuff out of her locker.
So I snuck up behind her and gently wrapped my arms around her.
"Goodmorning" I said smiling down at her
She looked up and she smiled.
"Goodmorning Benjamin"

"Hey, you know the drill. Never say Benjamin" I said

"And why is that?"

"Because when you say it, it makes me feel tingling and it turns me on" as I smiled at her

She gave me a sexy smile.
If she wasn't pregnant, man the things I would love to do to her.
Suddenly her friends came.
So we acted normal.
"Hey guys" Evie said

"Hey" me and Mal said
We hung out for a bit before the bell rang.
I waited for her friends to leave so I could walk Mal to her first class.
"Thank you for walking me" she said

"Of course"
We awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do next.
So she gave me a hug and said:
"See you next class"
Then she walked inside.
This "not kissing stuff" is going to be hard.
So I left to my first class of the day.
The first few classes went on normal.
Then lunch came.
Me and Mal walked to the cafeteria and got some food, then we sat down and started to eat.
"What are you doing this Saturday?" I asked


"Good, keep it open. I'm taking you on our first date"
She gasp.
"You are finally taking me on our first date? Yay!" she said smiling

"Yup. I waited so long for this. Also it's going to be some where fancy, so wear something nice"

"You got it"
She leaned in to kiss me, but her friends walked through the doors, so she immediately backed away.
Sometimes it's hard to act like we are just friends.
I just really want to kiss her so bad.
But I'm waiting for Mal, in a good way though.
Until she feels comfortable.
Her friends got to the table and ate with us.
After school I walked Mal to her dorm.
She gave me a hug.
"Is Evie here?" I asked

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