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A/N: Hey everyone this chapter is going to be a bit different.
As you can see by the chapter name, today we are going to look into Shawn's POV for this chapter.
Well not for the whole chapter just some parts.
I really hope you guys enjoy!

Shawn's POV
Christmas break is over now and we are going back to school for our last semester of Senior Year.
All break I worked out, sometimes I stayed inside because it was snowing so much.
I painted in my room, listen to music and etc.
But now school started.
So I woke up and got ready for the day.
It stopped snowing, but there is so much snow on the ground.
And it was still cold.
So I made sure I put lots of warm clothes on me.
After getting ready and brushing my teeth.
I headed to school.
When I got to school it was still early, so I went to the cafeteria and got some breakfast.
I was in line getting food, then I saw Mal walk in.
She had Benjamin in her arms.
She was alone, well meaning Ben wasn't with her.
So I put my tray down and walked out of line and went over to her.
"Hey Mal" I said as I caught up to her
She saw me and rolled her eyes.
"I don't want to talk to you" as she kept walking

"Listen, I know I messed up, but Mal-"
Then she cut me off.
"I don't care about it anymore. I've moved on. So stop talking to me"
She walked outside to her locker and I followed.
"Can I at least see Benjamin?" I asked
She stopped, but she didn't say anything.
"He is my son, the least I can do is for him to have a father figure in his life" I added

"No. I told you this already and I'm not going to tell you again. You don't deserve to see him, you messed up and I will never forgive you"
She opened her locker and started getting some books out.
I was about to say something but then someone spoke:
"Hey babe" they said
They walked over to Mal and immediately started to kiss her.
It was Ben.
I stood there feeling awkward, I looked away.
He was literally giving her tongue.
After so long they finally stopped.
Then Ben looked at me.
"Oh hey man. I didn't see you there" he said with a smile
I just looked at him.
"Uh, anyways I guess I will just go"
Then I left back inside.
I felt so empty.
Ben's POV
"Thank you" she said after Shawn left

"Of course. I saw him talking to you and it looked like you were going to kill him"
We both laughed.
"What did he want anyways?" I asked

"The usual, about me and Benjamin"

"Oh. He still wants to get back with you?"

"Yup and he wants to see Benjamin as well" she said closing her locker

"I mean I understand about Benjamin, because it is his son. If I was in his shoes I would want to see my kids"
She looked into my eyes.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that" I added

"No, it's okay"
I gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"You don't have to let him see Benjamin, it's your choice" I said
She nodded with a smile.
Then the bell rang.
"Come on, let's go" I said taking her hand
Then off we went to our first class.
The day went on normally.
Just a regular day back at school.
Eventually I had to go for a meeting.
Mal and Benjamin went back to the house, while I went back to the castle.
Mal's POV
After school, I went back home.
Evie and Doug weren't there because they both wanted to stay after school to get some things done.
Jay, Jane, Carlos and Lonnie decided they wanted to go shopping downtown.
They asked me, but I told them no, because I needed to feed Benjamin.
So it's just me and him for a while.
When I got home, I changed Benjamin's diaper and his clothes.
It was still cold outside so I made sure he was wearing warm clothes.
"Come on baby, let's go feed you" I told him
I picked him and headed downstairs.
I made his bottle and sat on the couch and started to feed him.
After he was done I burped him.
Then he laid in my arms and passed out.
No one was home yet.
Ben should be home around 8.
When Benjamin was passed out I went upstairs and placed him inside the crib.
I put a few blankets on him because the heater was slowly working it's way through the house.
I turned on the baby monitor.
Before I went downstairs, I changed into some sweats and one of Ben's sweaters, it was that cold in the house.
Then I headed downstairs.
I needed to get some homework done, so I went to the patio and did it there.
I was almost done with my homework.
Suddenly the front door opened.
It was Evie and Doug.
"Hey Mal, we are home" she said as she walked in
I got up and went to the door.
"Hey guys"

"Hi Mal" Doug said

"How was the school work?" I asked

"It was fun. Mr. Winchester let me and Doug get ahead of the class, so we are both caught up" she said

"That's good"
She smiled.
"Where is Benjamin?" she asked

"Oh he passed out already"

"Aw poor baby"
Doug went upstairs to his and Evie's room.
Once when he was gone:
"Are you doing okay?" she asked
I looked at her not saying anything.
Then I felt so overwhelmed I started to cry.
"M" Evie said giving me a hug
I cried on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry" I said

"It's okay. No need to apologize"

"I'm not doing okay" I said

"Is it about this whole Ben thing?"
I nodded.
She stopped hugging me and wiped my tears away.
"I just- I don't know how he would take it" I said

"I know it's hard. But M, Ben loves you so much, he won't ever be mad and you know that. Why are you scared?"

"He was so young, I wanted him to focus on himself, I didn't want him to have any distractions, I'm just scared he is going to be mad"

"I see your point. M look at me" she said
I slowly looked into her eyes.
"Whenever you are ready, if you want me to be there I will"
Then I smiled.
"Thanks E"
I gave her another hug.
It was a long one.
"Love you" she said

"Love you too"
My phone buzzed.
So I looked at it.
It was Ben:
Hey beautiful, I got off an hour early, I'm going to stop at The Waffle House for dinner, do you want anything?
I thought about what I wanted.
"Is it Ben?" Evie asked

"Yeah. He got off early and he is buying me dinner"
She smiled.
"I will be upstairs" she said smiling
Then she went upstairs.
I texted back:
I saw him typing...
Then I'm on my way right now then
I laughed and texted back:
I'm kidding. I'm actually hungry, can you get me a turkey sandwich with fries and some chocolate covered strawberries plz
He texted back:
Man the things you do, I was actually going to run home <3 and of course. I will be home soon baby. Love you
Once again I chuckled.
Hahahahaha sorry to ruin your dreams, just come home already I miss you!
I put my phone away and went upstairs and laid on the bed watching tv in my room.

40 minutes later...
I heard the front door open.
Then the footsteps were coming up the stairs.
"I'm home" he said walking through the door
I smiled.
I got up and hugged him.
He hugged me back.
Then I gave him a little kiss.
"I'm hungry now" I said
He handed me the bag of food.
I took it and went to sit on the bed.
"He's asleep?" he asked pointing at Benjamin

"Yeah, he was tired all day"

"Aw poor kid"
He went over to the crib and made sure the blankets were on him.
It was still a snowy outside, it's starting to melt, but we are now getting rain.
Ben changed into some pj's.
Then he sat next to me and we both started to eat.
Ben's POV
We got done eating, so I took our trash and went downstairs to throw it away.
Everyone else was asleep.
I threw away the trash, then I got two glasses of water.
Then I went back upstairs.
When I got to the room I closed the door and turned off the lights.
The tv was still on, because we were watching a movie.
I handed Mal the water.
"Thank you"
I nodded.
Then I went on my side of the bed and laid down.
We both watched the movie.
About 30 minutes later I was getting tired.
I had a long day.
So I closed my eyes and fell asleep on Mal's chest.
She watched the movie by herself.
And I'm guessing I fell asleep.

Sorry if there are any errors.
But hope y'all like the chapter.
Please vote!
See ya

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