Park Day

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3rd POV
Baby Benjamin is three months!
He is such a good baby.
Never cries.
He is so calm.
He gained a little bit of more weight for his size.
Ben is loving baby Benjamin so much.
Ben already bought him lots of stuff.
After practice he goes to Mal's place to check up on them and help Mal out.
Ben had been a good helper.
Ben's POV
Practice was over.
So I quickly grabbed my sports bag and headed to Mal's place.
When I got there I knocked.
She answered.
"Hey" I said smiling

She let me in.
I went to Benjamin, he was laying on her bed.
So I smiled and went up to him.
"Hi there buddy" I said smiling at him
He looked up at me.
Then he just smiled.
"Oh my gosh! Mal I made him smile"
She immediately went next to me.
And sure enough she saw his little smile.
"Awwww he likes you" she said
Then I gently picked him up into my arms.
"Hi" I said
He looked into my eyes.
He is such a beautiful baby.
"You ready to go?" she asked

"Oh yeah"
Today me, Mal and Benjamin are going to the park.
Just to go out before Mal starts going back to school in a few more weeks.
His bags were packed already.
So I placed him inside the stroller.
Then off we went to downtown Auradon, where the park was.
When we got there it was kinda full.
I mean it was a friday evening and beautiful weather.
Mal bought a big blanket.
She opened it up and laid it down on the fresh green grass.
Then I took out Benjamin from the stroller and placed him on his back on the blanket.
Mal and I laid next to him.
So it was me Benjamin and Mal.
We laid there enjoying the sun set and the beautiful nature around us.
"Are you excited to go back to school in a few weeks?" I asked

"Actually I am. I can't wait to go back to art class"

"That's good"
"I can finally see you more often" I added

"I actually miss seeing you at school. Like all the surprises you gave me"
I chuckled.
"So, have you found someone yet to watch Benjamin while you are at school?" I asked

"Um, no. I already asked the school if it's possible if I can take him with me"


"Yeah" she said

"Mal, that's good news. I can see him a lot more now when we have classes together"

"Of course you can see him"

"Also if you ever need someone to watch him, I'm always here for you no matter what" I said

"Thank you"

"Of course" as I smiled
I looked at baby Benjamin, he was awake.
He was moving his arms in the air.
So I gave him a toy
"Here you go little guy" I said placing it into his hands
He looked at it first, but then he slowly grabbed it and put it in his mouth.
"Good job baby" Mal said smiling at him
We were both quite.
A/N: Remember this for a future chapter!
"Ben, I have to tell you something" she said

"Yeah of course"
But she didn't say anything.
She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
"Um" she said
I waited for her to say something.
She was quite for a bit.
"Wait actually it's a question" she finally said

"Okay" as I smiled

"Is it okay if you can watch Benjamin on Friday? I have a appointment with my doctor, Evie is taking me?"

"Of course! I don't mind watching him"

"Thank you so much"

"You don't even have to ask me, just drop him off" as I smiled
She chuckled.
"Okay remember that, I will randomly drop him off" as she laughed

"You are so cute"
We both laughed.
We just relaxed at the park.
Benjamin had so much fun.
I took a few pictures.
He is such a cutie.
The hours past and Benjamin was already asleep.
Mal wanted to stay with me.
Of course I said yes.
I also had a crib in my room.

When we got to my room, I placed Benjamin on my bed.
Changed his diaper and put some pj's on him.
Then I placed him in the crib.
"Goodnight buddy" I said

"Goodnight my little munchkin" Mal said
She gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Then me and Mal laid on my bed and watched tv.
Mal got tired, so we went to bed for the night.
Benjamin wasn't on bottles yet, so Mal had to feed him every 4 hours.
But I helped her out.

Yeah boring chapter :(
But thank you for the votes and reads!💯
Stay then for next chapter!!!
See ya!

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