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Sidharth – please. I’m doing whatever you are asking for but I’m badly missing her for once and after only on face time. Even you are not letting me know the treatment I still haven’t said on that. For once please agree.

Queen – fine we will leave tommorow early morning. Now move.

Sidharth – Thank you so much. And ran from there to do the packing.

Here she informed Jimmy and asked him to arrange the jet but he said jet will take 4 days to fly again as servicing going on and then she said to book two business class for tommorow early morning and place you know. Then without letting him say any thing she cut the call and get back to see the details of her next butcher.

Next morning they were ready to leave, Sidharth was all excited where as queen was having poker face. Both entered the plane and seated at there places. Sidharth was traveling from plane for the first time that excitement was too visible in his face.
After some hours plane attendee came to ask if they want something, she denied but Sidharth asked for some snacks. When attendee again came to serve Sidharth, asked her again but she again denied but this time attendee did the mistake, he purposely lurch the spoons and while taking them he touched her in wrong way, next moment he was laying on floor with one arm & one leg twisted, she took out her pistol, pointed at his eyes she just pressed trigger and was about to shoot

Sidharth – please leave him all are watching you and kids are terrified, please put the gun.

Queen – move back and don’t you dare tell me what I have to do and what not.

Moved to attendee, you bastard, mother fucker how dare you to touch inappropriately.

Attendee who was scared to the death – sorry sorry mam it won’t happen again please leave me, I beg you please leave me.

Queen left him and he ran from there, higher authority who was there apologize to her and went back. After coming back to her seat

Queen – take it as last warning, if you again interfered in why work you won’t be able to see next day.

Sidharth kept quiet, but few minutes later she left for getting fresh. She came back after 30 minutes.

Sidharth in mind – she went to get fresh for 30 minutes, impossible, she must have did something.

Flashback Start

Queen – get that rascal

Attendee – mam sorry, I’m really sorry It won’t happen again.

Queen – but you will get the punishment

Attendee – please no, please, I promise this won’t happen again.

Queen – but for that you need a lesson and I will give you.

She pour the cloth in his mouth and cut the first finger of right hand. He was crying in pain and those who were watching were quite out of fear and when she said she is queen no one even released the sigh when she left they sighed, and immediately first-aid the attendee.

Flashback End

Sidharth in mind – she must have done something to that guy. Why she is like this. No emotions. Should I go and see that guy or should I stay quiet here. No no I won’t go what if she harm my mom. I can’t take any risk. Not now when we are about to reach.

Queen in mind – he need the medicine other wise he will always interfere in my work and I can’t afford that. And won’t even…

Her chain of thoughts broke when he said

Sidharth – I’m sorry, I won’t interfere again.

Queen – good for you. Take one thing in mind next time you won’t see this calmness.

Sidharth in mind – kharoos khooni.

After that there was silence, and in sometime the reached the destination as they came out one BME X5 M was waiting for them.

Seeing the car Sidharth was stunned. They left for her bunglow there, which was too big like having in India.

Queen – take rest for sometime then we will leave for hospital.

After few hours they were ready to go.

Sidharth – want to ask something

Queen – yes

Sidharth – is my mom know your identity and about me being working under you.

Queen – no she don’t know anything about me.

Sidharth – ok.

They reached the hospital seeing the name Sidharth gasped

They reached the hospital seeing the name Sidharth gasped

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and said

Sidharth – this one is most expensive hospital of the world, but why you?

Queen – want to go inside or without meeting want to back India.

Sidharth – no no.

Queen – good.

After asking about room Sidharth went that side and queen went to doctor to take details of treatment.

Doctor – welcome queen, we are glad to see you here

Queen – Don’t waste more time come to the point and give me the details.

Doctor – as her treatment is started she will under go 3 surgeries in intervals. First one is scheduled in few days. She only don’t need to take any stress.

Queen – ok any thing else?

Doctor – no queen, other things are pretty much in control.

Queen without any other word left the room to check on other things.

Here Sidharth with his mother

MAFIA QUEEN OR HIS QUEENWhere stories live. Discover now