Chapter 48

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"It's been too long, Mom."

Yes, she's a mother who hasn't seen her only son for too long. The motherly craving was trapped within her for too long. She should jump for joy and cry out in excitement but there seemed to have too many walls built up between them, along with all the hard feelings harbored for a long time. This was her son, her own blood, but the same son didn't think once before leaving her teary-eyed, so the only words that transpired were, "How are you? What are you doing here?"

"So cold, Mom. Well, this was not what I expected after meeting all these years. It's been too long."

"So what did you expect?"

" "Maybe a little more warm welcome. What about a loving hug?"

"Hug?" A sad but sarcastic smile pulled up her lips at the audacity of her son.

"Maybe I would have but then I didn't. What if I get stumbled again? You know out of shock. It's quite difficult for me to remember that I had a son."

"Why so bitter Mom?"

Debjani just scoffed.

"Please, I know you are not exactly happy with me or I am not an ideal son. But I believe you can help me with something." This time there was sincerity in his tone which surprised Debjani.

"My help? That's strange as far as I know you are doing quite well without me."

Dibakar sighed in frustration.

"Would you just pause with all your sarcastic comments and wits? You know I might do the same when you chose someone else over your son but I didn't. We both made a choice and I respected yours."

"No, you can't do the same, firstly I didn't come to you begging for your help and secondly I'm sorry if it offended you that I chose my broken precious daughter-in-law over a selfish ungrateful irresponsible son. You abandoned us and. Yes, it was your choice that ruined another's life. But I don't think my choice ruined any life. So there is a vast difference. Don't compare me with you and I am guessing by your attitude you are still the same."

"Mom, we have this conversation before. Say whatever you want and I won't blame you, I deserve this. But I am having a critical issue and I really need your help. At least for the sake of the time we were together please help me." Dibakar said suddenly sounding very tired.

Her temple parted questioningly.

After taking a deep sigh Dibakar continued, "Who is Ananya's father?"

The question almost sucked her breath for a moment but then she controlled herself.

"That's an out-of-syllabus question for you."

She started walking ignoring his accusing eyes.

"Please Mom, I really need to know." He blocked her way, eyes pleading.

"As I said you don't need to know that. She's Dipti's daughter."

"And what about her father?"

"I don't know. Dipti brought her."

"What do you mean by bringing her? Baby is not something that is being sold in the market or fall from the sky?" This time Dibakar said a little louder losing his patience. Some people started staring at them.

"But they can be adopted, you forgot perhaps?"

"Adopted?" He seemed to process her words for a second but his suspicion came back.

"No." He conceded with confidence.

"She reminded me so much of her that day. It can't just be a coincidence to remember her while talking to Ananya. And I dare say there are similarities with someone else also"

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