Chapter 3

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Rahul's p.o.v

"What are you watching?" I got startled and shut down the laptop hurriedly. Here is my sweet little annoying sister is ready to annoy me.

"What are you doing here? Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Well, I am also going to ask you the same question, my cutie cutie bro." She asked squeezing my both cheeks.

"Stop it. Sometimes I really doubt who is the elder one among us." I replied her catching her arms.

"Well, I know what you were watching? I know everything. You can hide from the whole world but not from me. Why are you doing this, bhaiya( brother)?" She glared at me with a very serious tone. I got tensed a little bit of.

Suddenly she burst out laughing.
"Oh God. Your face is really treat to watch now. Relax, bhaii.. you are going to get married to her. You can watch her picture. You have all rights. Though you never watched my picture this deeply but don't worry I won't mind, afterall I am going to get a sister. I can forgive you for that."

I relaxed. Such an drama queen.
" Leave dreams of engineering and join acting class. You will do better." I said irritatingly.

"Really Vaiya your face wes like you were doing some kind of crime and I caught you red-handed." She couldn't stop her laughing like I am some kind of joker.

" Done, with your nonsense!! Now stop disturbing me and go to sleep. I am tired. Let me sleep peacefully."

"But I don't think you can sleep tonight. My dear bhaabi(sister-in-law) has already stolen your sleep. Doesn't she??"

"Are you going or...?"

"Ok ok I'm going. Have a good sleep as after seeing bhaabi tomorrow I don't think you can sleep again. Good night."

"Good night."

She left. She is such an sweetheart. Yeah a little annoying but I still love her so much.

I opened the laptop again. I looked at the beautiful face infront of me. I got upset again. I am confused so much. What should I do? Oh God I can't think more. It's just killing my brain, my mind.

On one side my family, and on other side....
What if I listen to my heart will they forgive me, will she forgive me?

But if I listen to my brain, shall I be able to keep her happy? Tomorrow is my last chance to do something.

I shut down the laptop in frustration. I really need a sleep. But I don't think sleep is going to give me company tonight.
I switched off the light, went to bed with an attempt of getting some sleep.

Bhaayia/bhaaii- Elder brother
Bhaabi- Sister-in-law

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