Chapter 18

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Third man's p.o.v.

As the first ray of Morning Sun kissed her she opened her eyelids. Smearing the cozy warmth of the sunrays she got up. After taking a long cold shower she got ready for her daily routine.

And according to that theory, she once reached her office as usual. And with a 'Good Morning office hours started. After she was done with Arjun's cabin she came out and saw him coming out of the lift with a bossy attitude.

Today she noticed that her boss really owns such a domineering factor, it's just impossible for one to ignore his presence.

As he came close to her she realized she is staring at him she lowered her gaze a little.

"Good morning, sir."
She greeted him as he was passing by her.

"Good morning."

She stopped on her way. What just happened? He greeted back! That's good.

She turned back and saw him go to his cabin from behind. A smile escaped her lips automatically. She left.


Shriya entered the office. For the first time she came to Arjun's office and She was impressed. The entire office has been designed so beautifully. It's bold but sophisticated.

"Excuse me!"

"Yes Ma'am, how can I help you?"

"I'm Arjun's friend, Shriya."

"Oh yeah. He is expecting you."

After talking with the receptionist she entered the VIP lift. As she came out of the lift her eyes got wide.

Ananya, what the hell she is doing here?
She said in her mind.

"Ananya?" Ananya turned and met with eyes looking distastefully at her.

She was already a little disturbed due to a small argument with another company regarding the schedule of a meeting. But it's good finally she convinced them.

"What are you doing here?" A voice called out from behind.

She is asking as if it's her father's property and what on earth she was doing there. She said under her neath.

"Just roaming around. It's a nice tourist place to visit. You should also have a visit." Ananya replied with a tight face.

"What? Wait. You are working, here?" The other girl asked.

"Oh yeah. It's an office I forgot." Ananya turned to go ignoring her.

"Seems like you are still angry with us for breaking your engagement." The girl continued with her words.

She stopped and looked back.

"Look, Ananya. I know what happened with you that day was not fair. I also felt bad for you. But you have to move on. You have to accept the fact that he rejected you because he doesn't love you."

"Uh hu... you are making one mistake Ms.?"


"Yeah. Let me clear one thing, I HAVE LITERALLY NO PROBLEM WITH REJECTION BUT I DO HAVE WITH IGNORANCE. But leave it you won't understand. And I don't need you to comfort me at least. So it's better to keep your advice to yourself."

"And one more thing I think more than me you need to move on more from that incident as even after 6 months from that day, you are coming and giving me advice like you are acquainted with me for a long time."

Not giving a look further she rushed to her office.

Why does she show so much attitude?

Shriya said to her.

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