Chapter 55

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First of all, thanks to everyone who has responded to my request and voted on the last chapter in more numbers. Thank you so much, lovely people, it made me so happy. Hoping to keep getting such support in upcoming chapters too🤍.

Now enjoy,

Two more days passed like this without any crucial job to do. He didn't meet her in his office. On the third day, she was so fed up that she didn't even feel like going to the office.

"No, I had to talk to him. It can't go on like this." She decided.

  She felt like those layabout people who love to sit and take money without doing anything though she's not like that. No, she used to earn her position in anything. She knew Arjun was trying to pity her in his twisted way. He knew this would make her question her self-value.

She finally made her decision and that's why she found herself standing in front of his cabin. This was not going to be easy but she had no other option.

"Come in."

When she entered he looked too absorbed in his works. But her eyes fall on a new girl in his cabin going through his files.

"Yes," the other girl asked her instead of Arjun.


"Oh, I'm Ayesha, newly joined PA." The girl extended her hand for shaking with a smile.

But Ananya couldn't even respond, she was so shocked that words didn't come out of her mouth.

The other girl felt a little awkward when Ananya didn't return the gesture.

"Ayesha, arrange the meeting first. Talk to the clients and inform me."

"Yes sir" Ayesha nodded at her boss' order and left.

Ananya finally gathered herself and opened her mouth. "It might sound rude but this is unprofessionalism, Mr Singhania." She couldn't help but said with all the seriousness.

This time Arjun's gaze fell on her, and something returned in her chest. Though probably he's going to insult her this was worth it.

"So now I have to learn about professionalism from you," Arjun said in a mocking tone while leaning in his chair, one brow tugging upwards in amusement.

"You hired a new PA. So, what am I doing here? For the last three days, I am just sitting here like a useless fella. I guess you are not happy with my work. I got it. But it would have been nice to tell me what I have done wrong." She said directly looking into his eyes. Both of them just couldn't remove their gaze from one another.

"Did I submit any wrong report? Or had arranged the wrong meeting. Is there any client of yours who complained about me being misbehaved?"

"Are you done?" He finally asked in a bored tone.

"Huh?" After, all she said he just acted like she is one annoying stupid girl wasting his precious time.

"Go ask Ayesha, maybe if she had any job she will give you." He said and again got busy with his work.

Ananya sighed. Arjun was going to be a total jerk. She knew what she has done was wrong but letting it affect her job life, was low, even for him.

Ananya knocked on his cabin's door the next day and entered. The atmosphere inside was enough for to people run for their headphones.

"If you don't know how to do your job better learn and come rather than wasting mine and anyone else's job. Sir Ananya supposed to..."
"Ananya supposed to what?" Arjun threw the file and it landed near Ananya's feet. She looked up to see a very angry-looking Arjun who would love to eat his employees as dinner if possible. His eyes were red, veins coming out in full force.

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