Chapter 32

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Ananya's p.o.v.

"Rahul? Will he come also?"

"Come on he was the person by whom I met Arjun and his friends so... I don't know actually Arjun asked me to come but they also might come I'm not sure."

"Isn't it's little awkward that his friends are your friends now but you don't talk to him," Neha said with a questioning face.

"Arjun is my boss also and about Rahul..."
She may have understood what I'm gonna say from my expression so she cut in.

"Rahul? You are still in touch with that bastard?"

I almost choked at her sudden outrage.

"Hey, control, keep it low at least."

"Why? Why would I control?"

"Because Dadi is in the room beside ours."

"Hush! ok I will keep it low. But before that, you tell me why the hell you are still in touch with him?" She asked putting a finger on her lips.

"I can't believe you. Really disappointed. I will say whatever comes to my mind, ok?" She continued shrugging her shoulder dramatically.

"Fine just don't get abusive too much ok?"

"Why? I will," she blunted.

"But tell me one thing why he broke the alliance? Any special reason?" She asked like there was something dark secret I'm gonna tell her. But the question led my mind to have some complex emotions.

"Yeah, Shriya."

"Shri..that girl from their group. Wait, wait a minute. You are in touch with that girl also for whom he ended everything at the last moment. Wow," she said in a mocking tone.

I felt like her words hitched me somewhere.
"Now don't be sad at least thinking about him."

"I'm not sad. I don't care. I have killed all my feelings for him and so it doesn't matter at all even if I remain in touch."

"Still.. why you needed to act like you two are still good friends which is not possible? I don't know what magic he has done to you."

"Neha you think I want. I never. I stopped keeping any contact or relationship with him. But... he kept coming into my life again and again. I tried but then I stopped. The last time when I was left alone with Dadi in the hospital he stayed with me. No, I'm not giving the whole credit to him. Arjun also helped me and he was the first one to inform him about Dadi's condition. But after that, Rahul was with me. He asked for my forgiveness again and again then what can I do? I was tired of rejecting his friendship or forgiveness whatever you say. So finally I accepted to stop him from saying those to me always. Neha trust me we are still friends but not like before so relax," I think I convinced her at last.

"Good for you if you stay away for him. Let him be with her 'Special' girl," she uttered with a disgusting look.

"Well. It's not that easy."

"Why?" She rolled her eyes.

"Because Shriya has someone else in her heart."



"The other member of the group!"

I sighed yes.

"Ok let me clear. Rahul loves Shriya, Shriya loves Arjun and if this continues then the only person left is Vishal...wait... that means Arjun loves Vishal and if it works as a circular chain then Vishal loves Rahul, O My God!"


I stopped while I was arranging our bed. My mouth hung open in shock she just gave me with her inhuman imagination.

"Darling, it's too much interesting," she said in excitement. The next moment I controlled myself and threw a pillow directing her face.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Why? What did I say wrong? Can't Arjun love Vishal? How can you be so sure that he likes girls?"

I didn't have any idea what to say after this. I mean Arjun and Vishal.

"It's not like that. I mean...but... I never saw or realized anything like that about that.." oh God what even I'm saying it doesn't even make any sense.

But how do you know about his likings? How much do you even know him? Actually, you know nothing. He never said anything to you. He might like boys. My subconscious mind hit me continuously.

When I faced her she was still looking at me with hope of some interesting reply from me.

"Stop overthinking and get ready to go to a club, it's already 5. And I think Arjun and the other members will also be there in the club I think. So once you meet them you better clear all your doubts. Moreover, it's their life their choice of whom they will love, not a concern of mine. I'm just lucky I'm out of this mess of love angles at the right time."

Arjun's p.o.v.

"Ananya. Write down the name on the cake and I hope you understood the arrangements and how I want them."

"Yes sir."

"Ok," I cut the call after I was done ordering everything. I want everything to be perfect today. Finally, I have decided to open up today. I don't know what will be her answer today. But she has to know about my feelings for hers and she has to know that I love her and I want her in my life. Maybe she needs time but my love will win. I'm so determined and nothing can stop you to be mine after today, my love.

Ananya's p.o.v.

I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat when I stepped into the resort. Arjun told me that there is someone special today but what it is and why I'm feeling nervous. Maybe because I was getting bad vibes don't know why. It's all about enjoyment right? Then what bad can happen?

I checked my maroon off-shoulder short dress which Neha suggested to me.

"Hey you are looking cute, Anu," she said squeezing my cheeks.

"Ouch, stop doing it. It hurts."

"Oh, my baby." With that, she squeezed with more pressure making my cheeks painful.

We both made our way to the VIP part. But as I entered our eyes fall on Rahul and Vishal. When I turned towards Neha she already had a sign of disgust drawn on her face. But where is Arjun? I took hold of Neha's hand and took her aside. I don't trust her mouth. Don't know what sweet talks will come out from that if she meets them right now.


"What happened?" I saw drink spilled over her dress.

"Oh, my God. The stain might not go."

"Anu I'm going to the washroom."


After she left I stood there alone for some time.

"Ma'am drinks?"

I took one as I felt my throat go dry. My phone started buzzing. When I checked it there was his message.

"Come to the back terrace. Asked any waiter he will guide you."

Terrace but why? I moved my gaze toward Rahul and Vishal. They haven't noticed me yet and are busy in their conversation. Shriya has joined them now but Vishal is missing. Even Arjun too. Obviously, he will be, as he is on the terrace probably. But what is he doing in there and why he asked me to go there? With a confused mind, I asked the waiter in front of me about the terrace and made my way toward it.

I just reaching the 1st floor when suddenly I felt dizzy. The world started spinning around me. My vision got blurry when I felt a hand on my waist but before I could react more everything went black.

Hello, guys hope you all are doing well. Here is the chapter. Please let me know how is it. And please please please vote share and comment.

Stay safe and be happy ❤️


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