Chapter 52

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"Arjun" she hesitated not having any idea what to say. This was unexpected. She never thought Arjun would ask for marriage so soon.

"What? You don't want to marry me." He was so sure that Ananya will say yes. But her hesitation sent a red signal in his mind.

"Of course I want, but don't you think we are taking it a little fast? I mean..."

"Fast? I don't think so. Anu, I love you. And it's getting impossible for me to stay without you. I want you, you want me. So what's the problem? Is it, Dadi? Then I promise you, I will take care of her. She can stay with us too if you want." Arjun went on with his words.

"No" Ananya interrupted. " It's not that. Arjun, please don't get angry, it isn't long since we know each other. Don't you think we should know each other, and understand each other better first? And just a moment ago you didn't tell me that it's your mother's birthday and I can understand maybe you didn't feel comfortable..."

"So, was that all this is about? I was going to tell you. Yeah, I didn't at first but that's why I brought you here with me. If I wanted to hide you why would I take you with me? Ok, now that you know what else do you want to know?" Arjun asked not being able to hide the frustration in his voice.

"You know everything about me, at least as much as you needed. And I also know about you everything I needed." He said raking his fingers through his hair.

After a pause, he continued, "I guess or maybe I don't. Are there more things I need to know regarding you?" This time his words sounded a little cold to her. His eyes were looking into her as if he was trying to find something there.

"Arjun" Ananya held his hands and continued," you know it's not long since I had a broken engagement." She felt tears threatening to come out. "I thought I am going to get married to the man I love, but you know how that ended. It was not easy for me to move on but I did, with 'you'. So before I start anything with you I just want us to learn about each other more. Is that too much?" Ananya asked pleadingly taking his hands in her. She wanted him to understand, her dilemma.

"You don't trust me. You think I will do the same with you?" Arjun's voice sounded accusing, a little harsh but hurt too.

"Of course not. I do want to marry you. Can't you give me some time?"

"Yeah, of course." Arjun looked away. She can hear the anger in his tone.

"Let's go. It's late." He stated with finality and walked toward the exit of the home. Ananya followed.

She knew he was upset but decided to give him some time. Ananya's sudden disagreement to get married changed the mood between the young couple. Though he wouldn't show his frustration. The car stopped as they reached in front of Ananya's apartment building.

Ananya turned towards Arjun, the utter stillness inside the car pointing to the unsaid differences between them.

Ananya was stunned, would be an understatement of the year. Not being able to decide what to say she placed her palm on his which was holding the steering wheel tightly. Her touch made his hold go at ease.

"I love you." Ananya said in an assured tone, like telling him that no matter what she wants him, maybe with the hope that Arjun would understand her points, her dilemma, and above all 'her'. She neared his palm near her mouth and placed a small kiss on its back. This time he couldn't resist and looked back. A smile curved up at the corner of his mouth finally lighting up the mood and also breaking the unnerved silence between them.

"I love you too." This time he neared their joined palms near his mouth and in the same way, doted a kiss on the back of her palm. "I shall wait for your 'yes', it will be hard but I believe it does worth it with the hope that you will not make me wait too long."

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