Chapter 13

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Ananya's p.o.v.

As I entered the canteen my eyes met with a smiling Rakesh. We took a nearby table.


"Oh, hi."

"Please have a sit."


"Not a problem."

We ordered the food for us.


"Hey, Diya. Come, let's join us."


"Ananya meet Diya. She works in finance department. And Dia she is Ananya, new.."

"New PA of our super hot MD."

"Unfortunately, yes." I replied boringly.

"Hello! Don't say that again here. Girls are gonna kill you for that. They are already jealous of you."

"Why? Which terrible crime have I committed?"

" You are saying that working as Arjun's PA is unfortunate for you?"

"And what's sooo wrong in it? Ummm.. leave it obviously his employees are also will be like him, abnormal."

"Good confession, Ananya." Rakesh said teasingly.

"But she is saying us also."

I rolled my eyes at them.

"What do you mean by confession? I am telling this to your super boss and his dreamy girls."

"But what's there fault if he looks this hot, handsome, charming."

"Stop, stop,stop I am not here to discuss.
his beauty."

"But you can't deny."

"What to deny? Looking handsome is not a big matter."

"It's not about being handsome his personality is on other level. His walking style, his way of talking, his looks, the way he handles any business problem without getting pressurized. It's like everything is perfect in him."

I looked shockingly at Rakesh. I stopped munching my food.

"You too?"

"Come on yaar. Don't look at me like that."

"Are you....."

"No obviously not, I like girls. But it's hard to deny his personality. And I admire him. And try to  be like him."

"See. I told you."

Seems like their chitchat is going to go on till my head don't get a headache.

"Yeah as you don't know him properly.  Once you know him closely you will stop."

"Oho, so you know him closely, hmm?"
She said teasingly.

I was going to say something but Rakesh cut in.

"Obviously she knows. She is his PA."

"Come on, it's just only two days. But I am working here for almost 3 months and you for 5 months. And he deserves this appreciation."

"Appreciation! How can I appreciate a person who broke..." What's wrong with me.

Both of them were looking to me with a question eyes.

"Look maybe you have seen his outside. None of us know how he is from inside."

"But he looks a good genuine person. Yeah a little rude and I also got scolded by him but still I can say he is good from heart."

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