Chapter 4

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Arjun's p.o.v.

Finally I'm home and right now lying comfortably on my sweet soft king sized bed looking at the ceiling for last one and half hour. It may seems to be a boring work but I often find it very interesting, like a meditation.

My phone started ringing making me come out of my thoughts.

"Hello, Arjun where are you?"

"Why? At my place."

"Ok. I hope you haven't forgotten about tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I asked lazily.

"Rahul's engagement!!" Joy shouted.

"Oh yeah. I am so sorry." I came to my sense.

"Ok, I will be there at time."

"Do you know the place?"

"No. But you know, na?"

"Ok, I shall pick you up at 11 am and we will go to Rahul's place first and then engagement spot."

"Ok. See you."

"See you."

I dialled Rahul's number. We last talked 3 days before. I don't know but he was sounding a little upset. He is not picking up. I tried again. This time he picked up.

"Hello, Arjun Bhayia. How are you? You are coming na tomorrow?"

"Hey Pooja I'm fine. What about you? And where is our groom?"

"I'm also good. Actually Bhayia is not home. He has gone somewhere and he has forgotten to take his phone."

"Oh ok."

"Any message I have to give him?"

"Nothing. Just tell him that I called."

Next Morning

After a long time I came in this park. In my childhood everyday in the morning me and dad used to come here. Dad always had business pressure and that time he had just started his company so pressure was more but he always used to get some time for me. We have lot of memories here together. My childhood as far as I can remember was running in my mind's eyes. Those little little things, fun, happy moments, our beautiful memories. My childhood was so beautiful like a colourful dream. Our sweet little family, dad, me and...

I snapped out of my unwanted stupid thoughts. What the hell I am thinking. Yeah I really don't want to think about this. But my subconscious mind always has to go against me.

Every dream always comes to an end as we come into our senses. So it's totally waste of time to think about those meaningless dreams. And I really have no time to waste.

I stood up from the park bench hurried to home. As get in it was already 7 am. I got freshen up and came downstairs.

"Good morning, dad."

"Good morning, beta. So how was the jogging?"

"Hmm good, just tried to get some fresh air, had a good afford of staying fit along with some me time. You know dad, I think u should also join me. It will be good for your health and we shall have a good time together also."

"Yeah but you know I really don't like the idea of waking up so early. And after returning home so late it looks quite impossible for me. But don't worry soon I shall have less work pressure as my best friend is going to join me in my business. And then I will hand over all to him. After that you and me together will go for the jogging, alright?"

"Yeah, dad. I know you have a lot of pressure but I promise once I join the company I shall give my 200%. I won't let you down."

" I know, beta. I trust that you will take this company to an another height." He patted my back.

" Ok, have your breakfast. I am done with mine. Oh, you are going to Rahul's engagement, right?"

"Yeah. Aren't you coming?"

" I'm sorry beta, I have an important meeting to attend. I can't come. Please, wish him congratulations from me too."

"Ok dad bye. See you at night."

"Bye. See you and send me pictures of the engagement." He left.

I got ready at 10:45.

It's 11:20 and Joy is still nowhere to be seen. I really hate waiting. I called him.

"Where are you? It's already 11:22."

" Bro, I am getting in the car and will pick you up soon. Don't worry I am coming."



"I mean you don't need to pick me up. I am coming to Rahul's place myself. Meet me there." I am already annoyed with him for being late.

"Ok, as you wish. See you there."

I cut the phone.

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