Chapter 54

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A small message for my lovely Readers (PLEASE DON'T IGNORE):-

Dear readers, I earnestly request you to vote if you like the story. It won't even take a second but your one vote motivates me to write more. This way I get to know if my story actually reaches to you. For storytellers, their readers are the most crucial part, so your feedback is important. So, I would be grateful if you filled that star with your one tap.

And of course, thanks to those who have already voted and are supporting me through this journey. 

So, here you go...

She splashed water on her face. The cold water soaked her face, and hair while warm tears replaced them on her cheeks. She felt suffocated and started splashing more aggressively, restlessly wetting the front of her dress, water droplets covered the mirror. She didn't know how long she continued. Finally, she gained back her senses. The whole room filled with the sound of her panting.

She cleaned the mirror and looked at her reflection. And then suddenly she felt like something had been removed. It's like a burden had been lifted from her chest. She felt light. She stroked her cheeks slowly. Her eyelids closed, and in the darkness of closed eyes, she felt free. No more lies, no more fear of getting caught, no more doubt. It had all been out there in the open.

She came out in the road and sat on a bench on the side.

A cry escaped from her lips with mixed feelings. She didn't know if it was for the relief of the truth coming out finally, or the realization of her losing him, that he will never come back to her again or maybe he would give her a chance. She couldn't think anymore. She just burst into tears. She cried wholeheartedly, alone, far away from any eyes only the silence of night, stars in the sky, and some night creatures being the only witness of her breakdown.

"Anu" a soft voice caught her attention. At that moment she felt so much hatred towards her. She sat there without responding. Neha sat on her knee near Ananya. 

"I'm sorry. I know nothing will make it better. I-I don't know how it-I was drunk and was talking to him and it just...then I tried to stop him. I tried to call you but you didn't pick up."

Neha choked on her voice. Ananya's silence scared her.

"Anu, tell something please, anything. Just talk to me for once." Ananya still didn't respond. Neha shook her slightly.

"Anu... Ok scold me, beat me, do whatever you want. Just don't turn away from me like this. I know I am the worst friend of the decade but just..." Neha shook her with more force this time.

Next moment her face turned left with a violent force. Her cheeks turned red instantly.

"Got what... did you want? Are you.... happy... now?" Ananya's voice quivered as she tried to speak through her uncontrollable sobs.

"He left... he left me."

Neha tried to hold her but she shook away forcefully.

"Anu, how could I be happy seeing you like this? I was worried about you and don't know when it came out. But you should slap me more. Please slap me, beat me, just don't hate me. Slap me, slap me, Anu." Neha cried out desperately, the guilt was eating her away. Ananya raised her hand again but couldn't bring herself to do it again. She touched Neha's face with shaken hands.

"He was... so rude, Neha. He hated me so much. And I...I couldn't speak a word." Her words are punctuated by gut-wrenching sobs that shake her entire body. She gasps for breath, struggling to compose herself, but the pain is overwhelming.

"I know he wasn't wrong but it doesn't hurt any less." Her head fell on Neha's shoulder. This time Neha didn't speak, she just let her cry, let her get it all out." She sat up on the bench beside her. Ananya clung to her best friend. Neha reached out and softly stroked the strands of her hair, with the wish to send her comfort.

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