Chapter 15

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"Mamma why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying baby."

"No I saw you were crying."

The little girl wiped off her tears with her little palms.

"Tell me Mamma who has scolded you I shall scold him double."

"Really?" She asked me with her big eyes.

"Yes. I will punish everyone who will make you cry. I will fight to everyone for you."

"Oh, seeming like my daughter is so brave and strict too."

"Yes I am a big girl now and it's my duty to keep you safe. Tell me why you are crying."

Dipti kissed her 8 years old daughter.

"Actually I was thinking when I will get old you will become a big girl then and after that you will do job and then you will get married and go to your father-in-law's house. If you forget your old aged mother and I will become lonely. Then what will happen to me?"

She asked her daughter pouting.

"No mamma that will never happen. I will take you with me wherever I go."


"Yes. I won't leave you alone for a minute, I promise."

"Thank God now I am relieved. Now let's go to sleep baby."

"But Mamma I am not sleepy. Please tell me a story."

"So my babygirl wants to hear a story?"

She nodded her head.

And her mother started telling her a story where a little girl become the queen of the kingdom. And with this she didn't realise when she reached in world of sleep.

But as she returned she opened her eyelids. Her eyes were only searching for her mamma. But it was dark. Mamma. Where is her mamma. No she was not there. Her heart started beating fast. Slow steps took her to every room in search of that lovely face in that darkness.

"Mamma. Where are you mamma?" Her sweet childish voice started ringing in the whole house. Fear started engulfing her. Water drops started rolling down on her both pink cheeks.

"Mamma, please come. I am scared."

Her footsteps started shaking uncontrollably. She fall, she got up and again fall. Her legs got cuts. But she didn't stop.

"Mamma" Her sweet voice filled the whole house.

"Mamma where are you?"

But as time passed the dark outside started entering in her mind too. Her little steps started shaking.

"Mamma mamma Please come out I am scared."

She started sobbing. Her little cupcake like innocent face which once hold sunshine has the water drops indicating the coming sunset.

"Mamma, Mamma." Seemed like her voice cord  are going to tore.

She started running. She fell, she got up and started running again. But her voice could not reach to her Mamma. She got cuts. Her feet started paining but she didn't stop.


I woke up. My night dress are totally wet of sweating. I am panting. I hold my face and I realised it's wet. Tears are making its way on my both cheeks.

I made my way to the washroom. My legs are still shaking. I balanced myself holding the basin.

"Mamma, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I failed to keep my promise. I failed to save you, to keep you safe. Please forgive me, Mammaaa." I broke down.

Yes that little girl is me, Ananya Roy and that beautiful lady is my Mamma whom I promised to be with always. I sat down on the floor.

"Anu, what happened bache?" I heard a knock on the washroom's door.

"Nothing, Dadi." I tried keep my voice as normal as I can. I can't let her see me like this. I stood up and sprinkled water on my face and came out.

I looked at her. She is tensed. She handed over me a glass of water. I drank it at once.

She slowly started rubbing my back and hair.

"Are you fine? I heard noise from your room."

I controlled myself.

"Hmm. I just felt little sick."

She kissed my forehead.

"Ok. Now sleep."

She got up to go. I hold her hand.


She looked at me questioningly.

"Please sleep with me tonight."

She understood my mind state and laid down beside me. I laid down hugging her tightly and tried to sleep which is hard to come tonight.

Next Morning

"Are you sure you can go to office, today?" She is still tensed about last night.

"Dadi, I am totally fine. So stop worrying so much. Moreover I have just joined this office so I can't take leave now."

"But your health is first prio....."

"I know but I am feeling well now so I shouldn't take leave unnecessarily." Though I know I'm not going to be ok today because of that dream.



"Bye. Take care." We kissed and hugged each other.


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