Chapter 39

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"Isn't it getting too much risky, Ms Ananya?" Arjun asked turning to her.


"Imagine there is no one. Only you, me, and the silence. What if I do anything to you? Even if you scream for help still it's impossible to reach anyone. Simply just two of us?" Arjun whispered in his husky tone moving a little close to her.

"No chance. If your words are valued then last time you told me that I'm not suitable for you, not of your standard, don't wanna see my face, you don't need girls, girls run behind you blah blah blah..."

Arjun rolled his eyes in amusement.

"Aren't you talking too much Miss? Don't be so daring. Things can change anytime. Only change is constant."

"Finished? Now can you please start the car? I'm getting bored of your super boring talks."

Arjun started driving with his lips curled up admiringly.

"I don't wanna go home. What if I opened up to Dadi about today? No, I can't let that happen. I won't let that man come near her. He doesn't deserve to meet her. He doesn't."

Arjun heard Ananya mumbling something on her own, venturing into her world. He got stern projecting his attention to her with the hope of learning what she was saying.

From her facial expression, he could say she was sad, missing something.

"What you don't wanna say, Dadi?" Arjun spoke up.


"Is there anyone else except us?"

"No. Yeah, you are asking me. But what were you asking?"

"What's the matter that you don't want Dadi to know?"


Arjun felt like hitting his head on the steering wheel.

"Nothing. You drive na? You question too much. Don't behave like a question bank." She blurted irritatingly.

Arjun again concentrated on the road. His conscience was telling him that there is something behind the curtain which he couldn't see but he very well knew if he forces her things will get worse.

The car entered passing the main gate. Once Arjun stopped the car Ananya jumped out of the car. She started running through the small pathway in the garden.

"Ananya, don't run. You will fall."

"Don't act like Dadi, man!"

Arjun followed her. In between walking behind her with long strides, his eyes got stuck on her feet which were bleeding.

"Ananya stop!" He screamed.

He pulled her towards him.


"Why is your leg bleeding?"

"Ouu that? It's nothing. The lady constable was dragging me, and while fighting with her my leg gets slipped and I fell." She said casually.

"Now let me go. God, you don't even let that innocent lady."

"Come with up." He took her inside.

"Sit here." Making her sit he went upstairs for a first-aid box. Once he returned his eyes widened open seeing the condition of his beloved house. Things in the hall were scattered. The cover of the sofa was not in its place. All the cushions were crawling on the floor. He got a call from his dad that's why he became late and within that time Ananya had changed the view of the hall totally. A vase was broken. The fridge was opened.

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