Chapter 56

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She stood in her spot like a robot. What was he doing here? What did he want? She felt her body frozen.

Seeing Ananya rooted to her spot he strolled towards her.

The father's heart pounded as he walked. This was the moment he had both yearned for and dreaded. He had only recently discovered that he had a firstborn, a child he never knew existed. And now, here he was, about to meet her for the first time, but as a grown-up lady.

He managed to say, his voice thick with emotion. "Ananya, I... I'm your father."

"Ananya, I..." Dibakar couldn't find words to say. The girl in front of him seemed lifeless, tired. Her exhausted face was proof of her sleeplessness. He felt a pang in her chest. His daughter she is. His blood, his little daughter.

"I know, you are my..."

"Stop, right there, please," she finally asked, her voice laced with a mix of vulnerability and accusation. "Why now?"

"Ananya I know you are not exactly happy to see me but beta..."

Ananya couldn't hear what he was saying, her vision went blurred.

"I didn't know," he whispered, his voice filled with regret. "I only recently discovered that you existed. Your mother and I... we were separated before you were born. She never told me about you."

"Ananya," Dibakar looked with concern as Ananya sat on the chair holding her head. Ananya stretched her hand to stop him from coming any closer.

"I'm fine, please can we talk later?" Her weak voice came out.

"Of course, but..." Before he could finish Ananya ran out and went straight to the washroom. Bile rose in her mouth. She vomited her entire breakfast. She returned to her office.  Suddenly she felt breathless. Her hands trembled as she clutches her chest, desperately trying to catch her breath.  She moves frantically, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape. The sound of her heart pounding becomes increasingly audible, emphasizing her growing panic.

Ananya rushed towards the window, yanking the curtains apart, hoping the fresh air will alleviate her distress. But instead, the outside world seems overwhelming, filled with people and noises that only intensify her panic.

It's too much. It's all too much.

Ananya collapsed to the floor, her legs giving way beneath her. She clutched her head, fingers entwined in her hair, desperate for relief from the racing thoughts. 

Ananya's face revealed her wide, tear-filled eyes and sweat-soaked forehead. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, echoing the panic raging within her. The room started to spin and sounds blended into an indistinguishable cacophony. Ananya curled into a fetal position, her body trembling uncontrollably. The panic attack took hold, consuming her completely.

There was a knock on her office and the next moment Avinash entered the office.

"Ananya, there is this file, make a data..." Avinash got stuck with his words as he noticed the fragile figure in the corner of the room. Her low sobs along with hiccups filled his ears.

"Ananya, hey, hey?" Avinash said soothingly while rubbing her back gently. "What happened, dear?" Ananya kept on crying like a kid, detached from the outer world.

It didn't take time for Avinash to understand that she was having a panic attack. He was stunned to see the usually smiling, happy-looking, attentive, dedicated girl in such a vulnerable condition. Though they didn't have much interaction except for official work for the past some months they are working together in this office like a family. He felt a pang in his heart seeing her devasted condition.

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