Chapter 2

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Arjun p.o.v

I came out of the airport. After long 6 years finally I am home. I really missed my country, my friends and the person I missed most is my dad. And there he is waiting for me with a huge smile on his face with his private car.
"Welcome my son"
"Hi Dad! I missed you."
"I missed you too beta. I really missed our father-son moments. I missed my badminton partner. I felt so lonely without you, my son." He said with an emotional face.
"Don't worry dad. Now I am back. I will make up for everything."
" Ok my son, now get in the car."
I got in the passenger seat and dad in the driver seat.

"So, you found any beautiful girl for you. Don't tell me I have to search for my daughter-in-law myself."
"Come on dad. I have just returned and you have started already."
"Ok ok. I'm sorry. But you stayed there for long five yearrrs. Didn't you like anyone? One second please don't tell me that my dear son is virgin till now"
I glared at him.
"Ok, I know you won't stop until I tell you. Yeah there were some girls I was seeing."
"Then?" He asked excitingly making big eyes.
"Then what?"
"Who is the latest one or the present one? Is she indian or..."
"NONE." I cut him.
"All of them were so boring, clingy. They were more suitable for just a one night stand rather than becoming my girlfriend."
"Hmm! So who's the suitable one for you?"
"I don't know. Maybe I would know when I'll meet her."
He laughed.
"You are talking like those fairy tales where the imprisoned princess waits for her lucky prince charming to come and rescue her, then finally they meet and get married and lived happily ever after. But the problem is you can't be the beautiful princess."
'Maybe I am the handsome prince."
"Hmm. But still there is a problem. You are not prisoned. Then there is nothing about rescuing you or like that.
"Who told you that I am not prisoned?"

He raised his brow." Really? So who is the capturer? From which invisible thing your dream girl is going to save you!!"
"From You." I answered him mischeviously.

"So am I capturing you?" He asked with a worried face. Now he is serious. Oh just a second ago he was in a friendly mood. But I know now he is in his fatherly mood.
"Yes dad. You know you have captured me with your love, care since my childhood. And I am too greedy to be free from that. I want to be captured by that my whole life. No princess, dream girl, beauty queen etc etc what you say can ever make me free from this bond you know. I know we have different thought types. Maybe in some matter we are same but I love you dad. You are my best friend."

"Ok ok now you are making me emotional."
"Oh really!! You were already." I said annoyingly.
"But doesn't this fairy tale story look so boring, old aged! I mean like really? The most eligible bachelor of the country, son of great great Mr Dinesh Raj Singhania who had minimum 4-5 girlfriends roaming around him once and till now girls drool over him is still roaming single, waiting for his the one DREAM GIRL."
"We are not same dad."

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